A. A new bond-buying program to help the weak members of eurozone B. Performances on the closing ceremony of the 2012 Paralym

admin2019-11-11  1

问题    A. A new bond-buying program to help the weak members of eurozone
   B. Performances on the closing ceremony of the 2012 Paralympics
   C. A large sum of money pumped into economy to reduce unemployment
   D. The death of a controversial religious figure
   Officials in South Korea say the founder of the controversial Unification Church, Sun Myung Moon, has died at the age of 92. Rev Moon’s church gained hundreds of thousands of followers known as " Moonies. " Rev Moon had been in a critical condition for two weeks since being hospitalized with pneumonia in his home in South Korea. His children who have been carrying out most of the church duties for a while now decided keeping visual at his bedside. Rev Moon was a controversial figure. Born in 1920 in what is now North Korea, he said Jesus Christ had appealed to him as a teenager, and asked him to continue his work. Famous for holding mass weddings involving thousands of people, he also created an international business empire.
   The European Central Bank has unveiled its new program to buy government bonds from struggling countries in the eurozone. Stock markets in Europe and the United States rose sharply in response. The bond-buying plan aims to make it cheaper for countries such as Spain and Italy to raise the funds they need.
   The Italian prime minister Mario Monti welcomed the ECB’s announcement as an important step forward. Italy’s problems are not quite severe as Spain’s. But it is still in difficult and dangerous financial waters. For months, prime minister Monti has called for measures to help shield the eurozone’s weaker economies from unbearable pressures on the money markets. And he is clearly relieved that the European Central Bank will now play a more robust role in this are-a. But Mr Monti is determined to try to do everything he can to avoid having to turn to the bank for help.
   The closing ceremony of the 2012 Paralympics is taking place in London. Based on the theme of the four seasons, acrobats and dancers have been performing to live music from the band Coldplay. In a spectacular "festival of fire" at the Olympic Stadium, the organizers say the ceremony is an emotional farewell to what has been the most successful contest in the history of the Games. Drummers and acrobats, flame-throwers and motorbikes—all performing to the sound of Coldplay: thousands of competitors seated on the infield—what a close-up view of an extraordinary closing ceremony. Dancers and musicians from Brazil will perform later to look a-head to the arrival of the Games in Rio in four years time.
   The United States Federal Reserve says it is to resume pumping billions of dollars into the American economy to try to stimulate growth and bring down unemployment. The Fed says it will spend $40m a month buying mortgage backed securities. By buying up housing debt, the Fed hopes to persuade existing holders of that debt into investments that create more jobs. It says it will carry on buying bonds in this way until unemployment is substantially lowered so long as price rise is contained. A recent round of poor economic data had made this decision seem almost inevitable. But critics say unconventional polices of this type don’t work and cause inflation.



解析     标题译文:大笔资金注人美国经济以减少失业率
    美国联邦储备称将继续向美国经济注入数十亿美元以刺激发展并降低失业率。美联储称将每月支出4 000万美元购买抵押贷款证券。通过购买家庭债务,关联储希望能够劝说现有债务持有人进行投资以创造更多就业岗位,关联储称将继续这样购买债券,直到失业率大幅度降低并实现稳定物价为止。最近一轮不景气的经济数据使得该决定更加不可避免,但批评家称这种非传统政策不会起作用,还会引起通胀。
