
admin2010-12-06  48

问题     打桥牌(bridge)的风格是与对方紧密合作,与另外两家组成的联盟斗智斗勇,进行激烈的竞争。打麻将(mahjong)则是孤军作战,看住上家,防住下家,自己和不了,也不让别人和。在工作中,这种做派显然是不好的,尤其是自己出不了成绩,也不让人家出成绩,更是严重影响科技事业的发展。团队精神是任何一项集体事业所必需的。


答案 Playing bridge is characterized by cooperating closely with the other side, fighting a battle of wits and a contest of bravery and competing fiercely with the alliance made up of the other two players. But playing mahjong means fighting a lone battle, controlling the player whose turn comes just before, being on guard against the player whose turn comes just next. One can not win but he prevents the others from winning. Apparently, this manner is not so good in one’s work. Worst of all, one can not make achievements, nor does he let others make achievements, which affects the development of science and technology seriously. So team spirit is indespenable to every collective undertaking.

