Asking for Help Write a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation: You broke your neighbor’s window gla

admin2020-02-27  24

问题     Asking for Help
    Write a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:
    You broke your neighbor’s window glass by chance. You decide to make amends for it, but you need $20 to do that. Now write a note to your elder sister Ann to borrow that amount from her.
    Marks will be awarded for content, organization, language and appropriateness.


答案 Dear Ann, I was so clumsy that I broke Mrs. Anderson’s window glass. I decide to give her $20 as amends, and she has agreed. Would you please lend me that amount so that I can make it? I’ll repay you next month. Or you can take my new skateboard if you prefer. And please don’t tell Mom and Dad. Yours, Tom

解析     这是一则请求姐姐借钱给自己的便条。由于对方是自己的亲人,因此属于非正式,语气要随意,说清楚原委即可。本题的便条要写清楚以下要点:
