
admin2017-11-20  77

问题     国与国之间的交往,特别是经贸互动,既存在着合作,又存在着竞争。我们主张竞争要开放包容,推动各国在竞争中发挥各自的比较优势,实现共同发展。我们主张竞争要平等公平,反对把经贸问题政治化,反对双重标准,也反对歧视性待遇。我们主张竞争要互利共赢,在实现自身利益的同时,要照顾对方的利益,要懂得换位思考,不能以邻为壑、损人利己,更不能人为地设立对手,树立对立面。我们主张竞争要平衡有度,对于那些由于历史原因和现实因素,在竞争当中处于相对不利地位的发展中国家,应该施以援手,尽力去帮助、去扶持,来提高发展中国家的竞争力和可持续发展能力。(选白杨洁篪《携手谱写共同发展新篇章》)


答案 There is both cooperation and competition in state-to-state relations, especially in their economic and trade interactions. We believe that competition should be open and inclusive so that it can bring out the comparative advantages of different countries and lead to common development. We maintain that competition should be equal and fair. We don’t think economic and trade issues should be politicized, and we are against double standards and discriminatory treatment. We are of the view that competition should lead to mutual benefit. While pursuing one’s own interests, it is necessary to think for others and accommodate others’ interests. It is ill-advised to follow a beggar-thy-neighbor policy or stir up confrontation by labeling hypothetical rivals. Last but not least, we believe that competition should be balanced and appropriate. Due to historical and practical reasons, some developing countries are at a disadvantageous position in competition. We must do everything we can to help them increase their competitiveness and capacity for sustainable development.

