Laughlin acknowledges that "a lot of responsible people" are worried about atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide from bur

admin2019-03-20  51

问题 Laughlin acknowledges that "a lot of responsible people" are worried about atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels. This has, he says, "the potential" to modify the weather by raising average temperatures several degrees centigrade and that governments have taken " significant, although ineffective" steps to slow the warming. "On the scales of time relevant to itself, the earth doesn’t care about any of these governments or their legislation.
Someday, all the fossil fuels that used to be in the ground will be burned. After that, in about a millennium, the earth will dissolve most of the resulting carbon dioxide into the oceans. The dissolving will leave the concentration in the atmosphere only slightly higher than today’s. Then " over tens of millennia, or perhaps hundreds" the earth will transfer the excess carbon dioxide into its rocks, "eventually returning levels in the sea and air to what they were before humans arrived on the scene. " This will take an eternity as humans reckon, but a blink in geologic time.


答案 劳克林承认,有“许多负责任的人”对大气层中因燃烧化石燃料而产生的二氧化碳浓度感到担心。他说,这有可能使全球平均温度升高,从而改变天气状况,各国政府采取了重大但不是很有效的措施来推迟全球变暖。劳克林称:“就地球的时间度量而言,地球并不关心任何政府或者它们的法律。” 某一天,所有原先埋在地下的化石燃料会被燃烧殆尽。之后,地球将需要大约1 000年的时间,将大部分二氧化碳溶解到海洋中,从而使空气中的二氧化碳浓度达到比今天略高的水平。再经过几万年,也许几十万年,地球将缓慢地把过量的二氧化碳转化为岩石,“最终使海洋中和空气中的二氧化碳浓度恢复到人类出现之前的水平”。从人类的视角来看,这个过程可以算是杳无尽头了,但放在地质年代中则是一眨眼的工夫。

