当今是法行天下的时代。国运之兴盛,政治之昌明,社会之稳定,经济之发展,民族之团结,文化之繁荣,人民之安居乐业,都离不开法律之维系和法律之保障。中国也不例外。 一个国家采取什么样的治国方略,关系着国家的前途和命运。 20世纪末,拥有十二亿人口的中国

admin2013-01-06  30

问题     当今是法行天下的时代。国运之兴盛,政治之昌明,社会之稳定,经济之发展,民族之团结,文化之繁荣,人民之安居乐业,都离不开法律之维系和法律之保障。中国也不例外。  一个国家采取什么样的治国方略,关系着国家的前途和命运。


答案 Today’s world is based on rule of law. The prosperity of a nation, the flourishing of its political life, the stability of its society, the development of its economy, the unity of its ethnic communities, the thriving of its culture and the well-being and happiness of its people, all hinge on the maintenance of law and order and the integrity of the legal system. China is no exception. What a nation adopts for its national strategy will have a lot to do with its future and destiny. Towards the end of 20th century, China, a country of 1.2 billion people, made it clear to the world that it would run the country in accordance with law, and has since taken solid steps forward along this path. A system of laws that meets the needs of the socialist market economy is taking shape. A reform that transforms the functions of government and makes administration more strictly law-based is under way in an orderly fashion. A judicial restructuring that aims to ensure greater justice and efficiency is deepening steadily. And a grand social campaign that educates the hundreds of millions in the importance of the law is proceeding into greater depth. As you know, the constitution of a country is the most important and most fundamental legal guarantee for its economic development. In the early years of New China, public ownership emerged as the dominant form of ownership after the socialist transformation of agriculture, handcraft and capitalist industry and commerce, and the private ownership had no lawful status. Planned economy became the dominant mode of the economy, and enterprises had no right to operate their businesses independently. Distribution according to work became the dominant mode of distribution, and citizens had no income from other sources. Under such an economic system, China’s economy developed at a snail’s pace. In 1978, China launched its reform and opening up program. In 1988, the country amended its constitution for the first time, recognizing the lawful status of the private economy. In 1993, it amended the constitution again, making it clear that the state practiced the socialist market economy. These amendments have promoted both the public and private sectors of the economy, boosted China’s comprehensive national strength, improved the quality of life of its people, and brought profound changes to China’s political, economic and social life.

解析     本文主要讨论中国法制建设,深入分析了中国法制建设的思路,说明了法制建设的过程和展望。本文要求应试者具有相关中国政治方面的概念常识,能够正确理解并翻译某些术语,这些知识构成基本素质的考查点。此外,应试者还需根据英语语言习惯,重新整理中文句子结构,在此基础上,应试者要灵活处理对某些单词或短语的翻译,使之不仅正确,还应符合上下文语境的要求。
    1.司法体制改革        judicial restructuring
    2.宪法                constitution
    3.公有制              public ownership
    4.计划经济            planned economy
    5.按劳分配            distribution according to work
    6.改革开放            reform and opening up
    7.社会主义市场经济    socialist market economy
    该句的信息量很大,根据其句式特点和口译对时间的要求,可将句子前部分的七个短语译为并列主语,使句子最后一部分充当谓宾成分。因此,原句可译为“The prosperity of a nation,the flourishing of its political life,the stability of its society,the development of its economy,the unity of its ethnic communities,the thriving of its culture and the well-being and happiness of its people,all hinge on the maintenance of law and order and the integrity of the legal system.”
2.一项把法律交给亿万人民的宏大社会工程正在深入持久地进行。该句先确定主语部分为“宏大社会工程”,中文句子有时前置定语过长,翻译时需要使用定语从句、非谓语动词短语等形式变为后置定语。因此,原句可译为“And a grand social campaign that educates the hundreds of millions in the importance of the law is proceeding into greater depth.”
    该句需要根据原文的逻辑特点,最后一部分分句与前面部分意思相对松散,确定使用并列句的句式,并将句中“对……改造后”的译文放在分句主干结构后面,以突出句子的主要结构和内容,这与汉语将修饰部分往往前置的特点恰恰相反。因此,原句可译为“In the early years of New China,public ownership emerged as the dominant form of ownership after the socialist transformation of agriculture,handcraft and capitalist industry and commerce,and the private ownership had no lawful status.”
4.1998年,中国对现行宪法进行第一次修正,确认了私有经济的合法地位。为使译文紧凑,使用简单句表达,原结构中另一个动词短语“确认……”以分词短语形式出现,在句中做状语。因此,原句可译为“In 1988,the country amended its constitution for the first time,recognizing the lawful status of the private economy.”
5.宪法的变革,促进了公有经济和私有经济的共同发展,促进了国家综合国力的增强和人民生活的改善,给中国的政治、经济、社会生活带来了深刻变革。该句信息量大,根据多为动宾词组的特点,可考虑使用并列谓语。因此,原句可译为“These amendments have promoted both the public and private sectors of the economy, boosted China’s comprehensive national strength,improved the quality of life of its people,and brought profound changes to China’s political,economic and social life.”
    1.治国方略               national strategy
    2.依法治国               run the country in accordance with law
    3.转变政府职能           transform the functions of the government
    4.严格依法行政           make administration strictly law-based
    5.正在进行               be under way
    6.公正与效率             justice and efficiency
    7.经营自主权             right to operate business independently
    8.发展非常缓慢           develop at a snail’s pace
    9.修正                   amendment
    10.综合国力              comprehensive national strength
