Robots could fill the jobs of 3.5 million people in Japan by 2025, a thinktank says, helping to avert worker shortages as the co

admin2014-04-28  48

问题     Robots could fill the jobs of 3.5 million people in Japan by 2025, a thinktank says, helping to avert worker shortages as the country’s population shrinks. Japan faces a 16 percent slide in the size of its workforce by 2030 while the number of elderly will mushroom, the government estimates, raising worries about who will do the work in a country unused to, and unwilling to contemplate large-scale immigration.
    The thinktank, the Machine Industry Memorial Foundation, says robots could help fill the gaps, ranging from microsized capsules that detect lesions to high-tech vacuum cleaners. Rather than each robot replacing one person, the foundation said in a report that robots could make time for people to focus on more important things-Japan could save 2.1 trillion yen (10.4 billion pounds) of elderly insurance payments in 2025 by using robots that monitor the health of older people, so they don’t have to rely on human nursing care, the foundation said in its report.
    Caregivers would save more than an hour a day if robots helped look after children, older people and did some housework, it added. Robotic duties could include reading books out loud or helping bathe the elderly.


答案 日本一智囊机构指出,到2025年,机器人将填补日本350万个职位空缺,这将有利于缓解该国因人口萎缩而造成的劳动力不足问题。据日本政府估计,随着老龄人口的迅速增加,到2030年,日本劳动力将减少16%,这对一个不习惯也不愿意大规模引入移民的国家来说。情况不禁令人担忧,谁来填补这个劳动力空缺呢? 智囊机构“机器产业纪念基金会”说.机器人可以来帮忙——小到可探测损伤的微型胶囊,大至高科技真空吸尘器。该机构在一份报告中称,让机器人参与人类劳动并不是机器人和人类个体之间一对一的替代.而是让机器人为人们腾出时间去做更重要的事。该机构在报告中说,如果用机器人代替护理人员来看护老人,那么在2025年日本政府可以节省2.1万亿日元(104亿英镑)的养老保险费用。

解析 1、机器人能代替人的劳动。本段文字以事实和数字说话,行文客观严谨,翻译当以信为本,同时注意专业术语的表达。
2、第1段第1句的as the country’s population shrinks根据汉语先因后果的行文习惯前置翻译。
3、第2句中的the government estimates作插入语,与英语中其他表示信息来源的插入语一样,翻译时根据汉语习惯置于句首,如第1段第1句的a thinktank says;mush—room意为“迅速增加”,与slide(减少)形成对比,译文需体现这种逻辑关系。
4、第2句插入语前面部分与后面部分在深层语义上构成因果关系,翻译时需理清脉络,并据此调整语序。从句who will do the work如果翻译时置于worries前,合译成“…的忧虑,”则略显呆板,而将其独立还原成真正的问句“谁来填补这个劳动力空缺呢?”则加强了表达效果。
6、第2段第2句承上启下,故增译了“让机器人参与人类劳动”;each robot replacingone person译为“机器人和人类个体之间一对一的替代”更符合汉语表达习惯。
7、第2段第3句的by using robots在深层语义上表示假设,译文用“如果”明示这种关系,并据此调整全句语序。
