
admin2012-07-13  74

问题     中国等发展中国家向美国提供了大量价廉物美的商品,使美国传统制造业腾出财力物力用于发展高新技术。这加快了美国工业的升级换代,推进了美国产业结构的优化,使美国及时摆脱传统工业的束缚,保持了它在世界经济中的领先地位。因此,中国的出口不会威胁美国的经济。


答案 Large quantities of cheap, good-quality commodities provided by China and other developing countries to the American market have enabled the U. S. traditional manufacturing industry to release more financial and material resources to develop new and high technologies. This has helped the U. S. to expedite the upgrading of its industry, spur the optimization of its industrial structure, free it from the shackles of the traditional industry in a timely manner and maintain its leading position in the global economy. Hence, China’s exports will not threaten the American economy. While expanding exports, China has increased its imports rapidly. In fact, American goods have been part of the Chinese people’s daily lives for a long time. Many Chinese now ride in Boeing planes, drive Buick cars, see American movies, wear Apple jeans, drink Coca-Cola, communicate with Motorola mobile phones and work with the aid of IBM computers installed with Microsoft software. The constant increase in China’s imports and exports has made contributions to the economic development of the world at large, including that of the United States.

