
admin2014-09-09  11

问题 ______  
Britain’s younger workers have been hit especially hard by the financial crisis. The economy crisis has taken its toll on Britain’s youth: 1 million plus are now unemployed. More than 22% are those aged 16-24. It might be worse in London if it is not for the upcoming summer Olympics.
    Some of the Olympics money has gone to help London disadvantaged youth to get job training. The major upcoming event is offering some opportunities. With the Olympic Games approaching, the whole London is changing. A new opportunity is developing. But by the Autumn the Olympics will be over. And many of the temporary jobs will go. So the worry is, what could we do after the Olympics?
Recently many people are complaining why so many teenagers do nasty things. And the question is constantly crossing my mind: how could we prevent juvenile crime? Well first, I think the media exacerbated the problem. And so does the school system. Where I live, we have thousands of security guards in the schools, and metal detectors too, and the kids get searched as they go into school. Now all of that presents the wrong message. The kids don’t feel like they’re going to school: they feel like they’re going to jail, and so they’re more likely to lash out and become violent. I think it’ s a cause and effect relationship. The students get violent because the system makes them like that.



