
admin2015-01-09  84

问题 今年的南加州就是这个样子。至少去年当我对无情的大雨感到无比惊讶的时候,他们是这样告诉我的。这里好像有两个季节。在下雨的季节,有时连续几天暴风雨淹没了较高的地区;有时暴风雨又来去不定。这样常常会造成财产损失和生活混乱,而每一年的破坏程度都难以预料。在干燥的季节,又要处理和看管在暴雨中存留下来的财物,这再次干扰了人们的生活。在这些季节里,日子单调乏味,时而会有一些阳光,时而有烟雾,然后又是阳光灿烂。这儿一点也不像科罗拉多州。


答案It does this year in Southern California;at least that’s what they told me last year when I marveled at the relentless determination of the rain. There seem to be two seasons here. During the rainy season, sometimes the storms drench the area nonstop for days. Sometimes the storms come and go. Often property damage and disrupted lives result. It’s hard to predict the intensity of the patterns from year to year. Then there is the fire season. That takes care of the property that managed to survive the deluge,a-gain disrupting lives. The days connecting these seasons are monotonous,with some sun,some smog and some more sun. This is nothing like back home in Colorado.

