
admin2016-09-27  80

问题     像鸟儿一样地飞翔,摆脱地心引力的束缚,自由自在地在天空翱翔,让风“沙沙”地掠过我们伸展的翅膀——谁没有做过这样的美梦?飞行作为人类最古老的梦想,也许要追溯到穴居人时代。那时候,当人类在地面上追捕动物累得筋疲力尽时,仰头看着在头顶上飞翔的鸟儿,无限向往。虽然有三分之二的生物能够飞行,但人类却被困在地面上。多少个世纪以来,勇敢无畏的开拓者试图模仿鸟儿飞行——用人工制造的翅膀去冲破地心引力的牢笼。然而,像牛顿看到过的苹果落地一样,许多人坠地身亡。虽然历史上有过一些最有才华的人曾致力于解决这个难题,但是这个梦想直到1903年12月一个寒冷的早晨才得以实现。当时,美国有对兄弟从北卡罗来纳州的沙滩上腾空而起,给人类添上了双翼。随着莱特兄弟奥维尔与威尔伯的开天辟地的一系列飞行,人类飞行的时代终于到来了。
莱特兄弟奥维尔与威尔伯 Orville and Wilbur Wright


答案To fly like birds and break the tether of the gravity and soar free in the air with the wind rustling through the outstretched wings—Who has not done so in the dream? Flying, as the oldest dream of human, perhaps should reach back to the age. when the cave dwellers would look longingly up at the birds flying overhead as they hunt wearily for the animals on the earth. Though two thirds of creatures can fly, humans are trapped on the earth. Over the centuries, the brave pioneers tried to imitate birds—they struggled to break through the cage of gravity with artificial wings. However, many fell to their death just like the falling apple Newton ever saw. Some talented people once devoted themselves to overcoming the difficulty. Yet, the dream didn’t come true until a chilly morning in December, 1903 when two brothers in America rose from the sands of North Carolina to bring wings to man. The sequent flights carried out by Orville and Wilbur Wright ushered in the flying age of human.

