According to the conversation, which of the following statements is CORRECT about Rachel?

admin2013-01-24  48

问题 According to the conversation, which of the following statements is CORRECT about Rachel?
David (M) Rachel (W)
M: Whew! That’s the last one!
W: Hi, David. Sit down. The last what?
M: My last exam. That’s it for me this term!
W: Lucky guy! I’ve still got one exam left tomorrow.
M: Which one?
W: Microeconomics. And I’m dreading it.
M: Yeah? How come? Couldn’t be that hard for you? (1) You’re an Economics major, aren’t you. Rachel?
W: (1) Yeah. It shouldn’t be, I know, but somehow—I’m just not getting a handle on it. Too much math, I guess. I’m more of a theorist.
M: Yeah, you and John Maynard Keynes. Rachelian Economics—where supply and demand are not inversely related.
W: Anyway, I’ve just barely squeaked by all of her quizzes—and I only got sixty-nine percent on the midterm.
M: Oy! You’d better burn some midnight oil tonight, then.
W: Don’t worry—I’m planning to. Want coffee?
M: No, thanks. I gotta run in a minute.
W: How come? I thought you were all done.
M: I am. I want to pick up the tickets for the Homecoming game.
W: Haven’t you done that yet? I thought you were all crazy about Homecoming. I hope there’re still some left.
M: No problem. (2) They’re already bought and paid for. I just have to pick them up at the fraternity house. Zeta Tau always buys a block of seats so we can "command a presence"—and make fools of ourselves.
W: Well, that should be easy.
M: Yeah, our reputation’s not so hot, is it? But this year’s officers have been trying to regain our image. Get us off our slippery slope to utter corruption.
W: Good luck. Gotta date?
M: Huh? Uh...erm...well...I just thought you, uh, would...
W: Come with you? And get beer and catsup splattered all over me? And get both eardrums shattered? You gotta be kidding. You’re on your own for this one, David.
M: Aw, come on, Rachel. It’ll be fun’ I’ll buy you a big bunch of roses!
W: Tempting, I’ve gotta get packed, anyway.
M: Packed?
W: (3) I’m going home for the break—and I leave real early the next morning.
M: Oh, OK. Well, I guess I’ll just batch it, then. That means I can drink more and make a bigger idiot of myself without you there.
W: Yeah, look at it that way. How’d you do on your finals, anyway?
M: (4) Oh, pretty good overall, I think. I’m not too sanguine about my chances of passing Biometrics, but the others have been fine. I should get an A in Genetics, and either As or Bs in Cell Biology and Animal Behavior. Biometrics, that’s been awful. It’s all statistics, probabilities, variances and things. All, um, higher math!
W: Ha! Well, I empathize. That’s my Achilles’ heel, too. Numbers just don’t like me.
M: Or you just don’t like numbers. As you know, I actually liked math when I was little. It was so logical. And algebra, geometry—I enjoyed those. No grey areas, I guess.
W: You probably liked playing with your compass, didn’t you?
M: Ha! Funny you should say that. I actually impaled myself on my compass one time—horsing around at school, and I ran it right through my finger! The school nurse had to pull it out for me. Gross!
W: Ack! That gives me the shivers! I didn’t know mathematics could be so dangerous.
M: Yeah. Anyway, when I got to calculus in high school, the wheels suddenly came off. I hit a brick wall, just suddenly could not understand what in heck was going on. That’s the point where math and me came to a parting of the ways.
W: Sounds like my story—except for the puncture wound! I guess we should just keep sharp objects out of your hands, eh?
M: Yeah, that would be safest. How about your finals?
W: Oh. Yeah, they’ll be all right. Micro tomorrow is my only real worry. World Economies is good—I should top that. And maybe top Political Systems, too—I think Dr. West likes me.
M: Huh?! What do you mean, "likes" you?
W: No, no—I just mean that he thinks I’m an eager student, so he’ll give me the benefit of the doubt, maybe, on my final grade, if there is any. I wrote him a real nice mid-term essay.
M: That thing on "the joys of capitalism"?
W: Right.
M: Didn’t you just copy that out of Wikipedia?
W: (5) Hey, hey! I did research, yes! And I cited every single source, thank you!
M: Sure you did. Oh! Gotta go. I told them I’d be stopping by at three.
W: OK.
M: Sure you don’t want to come?
W: I’ll pass.
M: OK, OK. Next time, then.
W: Maybe. Bye.
M: Bye.

选项 A、she doesn’t like being splattered by beer and catsup.
B、she doesn’t like staying in a noisy place.
C、she has gotten to collect her luggage.
D、she will go back home this evening.


解析 当David为了诱惑Rachel和他一起参加校友会时,提出要给她买一大束玫瑰花,根据句(3)可知,Rachel不去参加校友会是因为她第二天一大早就要回家,故答案为[D]。
