A small bowl of porridge each day could be the key to a long and healthy life, whole grains reduce the risk of dying from heart

admin2019-04-11  40

问题    A small bowl of porridge each day could be the key to a long and healthy life, whole grains reduce the risk of dying from heart disease. Although whole grains are widely believed to be beneficial for health it is the first research to look at whether they have a long-term impact on lifespan. Researchers followed more than 100, 000 people for more than 14 years monitoring their diets and health outcomes. Everyone involved in the study was healthy in 1984 when they enrolled, but when they were followed up in 2010 more than 26, 000 had died. However, those who ate the most whole grains, such as porridge, brown rice, corn and quinoa seemed protected from many illnesses and particularly heart disease. Oats are already the breakfast of choice for many athletes and also for dieters, who find the high fibre levels give them energy for longer. But scientists found that for each ounce (28g) of whole grains eaten a day— the equivalent of a small bowl of porridge—the risk of all death was reduced by five per cent and heart deaths by 9 per cent. These findings further support current dietary guidelines that recommend increasing whole-grain consumption. They also provide promising evidence that suggests a diet enriched with whole grains may confer benefits towards extended life expectancy. The findings remained even when allowing for different ages, smoking, body mass index and physical activity. Whole grains are also widely recommended in many dietary guidelines because they contain high levels of nutrients like zinc, copper, manganese, and iron. They are also believed to boost levels of antioxidants which combat free-radicals.


答案 延年益寿的要诀是每天食用一小碗粥,其中的粗粮可以降低患心脏疾病的风险。尽管人们普遍认为粗粮有益人体健康,但这是首个探究它们是否会对人类寿命产生长远影响的研究。研究人员在超过14年的时间里,追踪调查了100 000余人的日常饮食和身体状况。每位志愿者在1984年注册加入时健康状况皆为良好,但2010年的随访发现,超过26 000人已离世。但经常食用诸如燕麦粥、糙米、玉米和藜麦等粗粮的志愿者似乎避开了多种疾病,尤其是心脏疾病。燕麦已成为许多运动员和减肥人士的早餐首选,他们认为燕麦中较高的纤维含量为他们提供了更多的能量。科学家发现,每日食用1盎司(相当于28克)的粗粮——相当于一小碗粥的量——人们的死亡风险会降低5%,罹患心脏疾病的风险会降低9%。这些发现为当下倡导增加五谷摄入的膳食指南提供了进一步的支持,也为富含全谷物的饮食对延年益寿可能大有裨益的观点提供了有力的证据。即便将年龄段的不同、吸烟与否、体重指数和体育运动等因素纳入考量,研究结果依然成立。粗粮含有大量锌、铜、锰和铁等营养元素,因此常常受到各种膳食指南的大力推荐。此外,人们认为粗粮还能增加人体中对抗自由基的抗氧化物的含量

