In 1876 Tetteh Quarshie, a blacksmith, smuggled the first cocoa beans into Ghana, hidden beneath his box of tools. He is now cel

admin2022-06-18  60

问题     In 1876 Tetteh Quarshie, a blacksmith, smuggled the first cocoa beans into Ghana, hidden beneath his box of tools. He is now celebrated as a national hero; his trees, planted in the hills outside Accra, are a tourist attraction. But did cocoa make him rich? "No, " says a guide. "He harvested for the first time, and then he died."
    West Africans have been seeking fortunes in cocoa ever since. Like Mr Quarshie, they have been short of luck. Ghana and Ivory Coast produce about 60% of the world’s cocoa. Yet they mostly sell unprocessed beans. Their cocoa-export earnings are equivalent to less than a tenth of world chocolate sales. Power lies with a small group of trading firms and chocolate-makers in rich countries. "We send raw materials, they add value, " sighs Owusu Akoto, Ghana’s agriculture minister.
    Ghana and Ivory Coast are trying to claw up the value chain. Ghana is close to finalizing a $600m loan from the African Development Bank, some of which is expected to support cocoa processing. It is also seeking Chinese help to build a state-run processing plant. Observers see cocoa as a test-case for African industrialization. But it is not a very useful model. Cocoa is unlikely to bring much revenue or many jobs.
Granted, there have been some successes. About 21% of the world’s cocoa is ground in Africa, up from 15% a decade ago. Ivory Coast grinds nearly a third of its beans and rivals the Netherlands as the world leader by volume. In Ghana’s Tema "free zone", the smell of cocoa is in the air. One of several processors there ships cocoa butter, liquor and cake abroad, while selling chocolate at home. Customers cannot believe it is made in Ghana, chuckles Lloyd Ashiley, the plant manager.
    Most of the processing in the region is done by the same multinationals that were already grinding cocoa in Europe or elsewhere. In Ghana, firms in free zones get tax breaks. The government, which dominates the cocoa industry, gives a discount on smaller, "light-crop" beans to encourage local processing. But when the cheap beans run out, machines sit idle. Nearly half of capacity is unused.
    Gone are the days when George Cadbury built model villages for his British workers. A modern cocoa factory is a labyrinth of juddering metal, supervised from behind computer screens. The entire Ghanaian processing industry employs just a few thousand people. The capital investment required to create one job grinding cocoa in Ivory Coast could create over 300 jobs processing cashew nuts, said the World Bank in 2012.
    The biggest problem is geography. Most of the value in chocolate comes from marketing and branding. And it is a big step up from grinding to chocolate-making. Consumers are mostly in Europe or North America. Transporting chocolate through tropical climates is a logistical headache. Chocolate consumption in Africa is low.
    Some artisanal confectioners are breaking the mould. Instant Chocolate, an Ivorian firm, sells posh chocs in flavours including baobab and hibiscus. A Ghanaian brand named 57 Chocolate — for the year of the country’s independence — stamps its bars with the Adinkra symbols more commonly found on Ashanti fabrics. Kimberly Addison and Priscilla Addison, the sisters who founded it, hit upon the idea while living in chocoholic Switzerland. "Why not try to produce a chocolate brand that is uniquely African?" asks Kimberly. But these firms operate on a tiny scale. For wannabe chocolate-makers, alas, there is no golden ticket.


答案 1876年,一名叫泰特-夸尔希的铁匠把可可豆藏在工具箱下面,将第一批可可豆走私到加纳。如今,他被誉为民族英雄;而他种在阿克拉城外山上的可可树也成了旅游景点。但可可让他发家致富了吗? “没有,”导游说, “可可第一次收成后他就去世了。” 自那以后,西非人就一直想靠可可发财。但他们像夸尔希先生一样,运气不佳。加纳和科特迪瓦的可可产量约占全球的60%。然而,他们大多出售的是未加工的可可豆,出口收入还不到全球巧克力销售额的十分之一。加工权掌握在富裕国家的少数贸易公司和巧克力制造商手里。加纳农业部部长奥乌苏-阿科托叹息道: “我们供应原料,而他们却让价值倍增。” 加纳和科特迪瓦正在努力抓住这个价值链。加纳即将谈妥非洲开发银行提供的一笔6亿美元的贷款,其中一部分预计用于可可加工。加纳还在寻求中国的帮助,建立一家国营可可加工厂。观察家们将可可加工业视为非洲走向工业化的试验田。但这并非良好范例。可可不可能带来很多收入或就业机会。 当然,也不乏一些成功之处。全球约21%的可可在非洲磨碎,而十年前这一比例为15%。科特迪瓦磨碎的可可豆产量占该国可可豆总产量的三分之一左右,居世界第一,与荷兰不相上下。在加纳的特马“保税区”,空气中弥漫着可可的味道。这里的一家可可加工企业将可可脂、可可液和可可粉运往国外,而在国内销售巧克力。工厂经理劳埃德-阿希历笑着说,顾客都不相信这些巧克力是在加纳制造的。 这个地区的大部分可可加工都是由同样的跨国公司完成的,而这些跨国公司已在欧洲或其他地区研磨可可。加纳保税区的公司可享受减税优惠。政府在可可产业中占据主导地位,对较小的“轻作物”可可豆给予折扣优惠,以鼓励当地加工。不过便宜的可可豆加工完后,机器就会闲置下来,有将近一半的机器产能闲置。 乔治-卡德伯里为英国工人建造示范村的日子早已成了往事。一家现代化的可可工厂就像一座剧烈震动的金属迷宫,由电脑系统监控。加纳的整个可可加工业仅雇有几千名员工。2012年,世界银行表示,在科特迪瓦创造一份研磨可可的工作所需的资本投资会创造出300多个腰果加工岗位。 最大的问题是地理因素。巧克力的大部分价值来自市场营销和品牌效应。从可可豆的研磨到巧克力的制作是一大进步。消费者大多在欧洲或北美,运输巧克力要通过热带地区,这在物流上是件棘手事,而非洲的巧克力消费量却很低。 一些手工甜品制造商正在打破这种模式。科特迪瓦一家名为“速溶巧克力”的公司销售各种口味的高档巧克力,有猴面包树口味的,也有芙蓉花口味的。加纳的一个巧克力品牌用国家独立的年份命名为“57巧克力”,并在巧克力表面印上了加纳阿丁克拉族的符号,这些符号常见于非洲阿善提的织物上。这个品牌是由金伯利-艾迪生和普丽西拉-艾迪生姐妹创立的,这个主意是她们在嗜好巧克力的瑞士居住时想到的。金伯利问道: “为什么不试着去创建一个非洲独有的巧克力品牌呢?”但是这些公司的经营规模都很小。唉,对于梦想成为巧克力制造商的人来说,是没有金奖券的!

解析 1.In 1876 Tetteh Quarshie,a blacksmith,smuggled the first cocoa beans into Ghana,hidden beneath his box of tools.1876年,一名叫泰特-夸尔希的铁匠把可可豆藏在工具箱下面,将第一批可可豆走私到加纳。
原文是简单句。smuggled是谓语动词,hidden beneath his box of tools是过去分词作cocoa beans的后置定语,翻译时按照时间先后顺序,先翻译hidden,将这个过去分词短语翻译为句子,再翻译smuggled。
2.…his trees,planted in the hills outside Accra,are a tourist attraction.……而他种在阿克拉城外山上的可可树也成了旅游景点。
planted in the hills outside Accra作为后置定语修饰his trees,翻译时应按照汉语习惯置于his trees之前。his trees在翻译时需显化内在含义,表达为“他种的树”。
3.West Africans have been seeking fortunes in Cocoa ever since.Like Mr Quarshie,they have been short of luck.自那以后,西非人就一直想靠可可发财。但他们像夸尔希先生一样,运气不佳。
We send raw materials,they add value.我们供应原料,而他们却让价值倍增。
4.Their cocoa-export earnings are equivalent to less than a tenth of world chocolate sales.出口收入还不到全球巧克力销售额的十分之一。
are equivalent to less than相当于are less than,所以翻译时are equivalent to不必译出。
5.Ghana and Ivory Coast are trying to claw up the value chain.加纳和科特迪瓦正在努力抓住这个价值链。
claw指用爪子或手抓,claw up在这里表示抓住、不放开。
6.Ghana is close to finalizing a $600m loan from the African Development Bank,some of which is expected to support cocoa processing.加纳即将谈妥非洲开发银行提供的一笔6亿美元的贷款,其中一部分预计用于可可加工。
原文是复合句,含有关系代词which引导的定语从句,先行词是loan,翻译时将定语从句拆分出来,单独处理成了一句话。be expected to表示预计,需翻译出来。
7.Ivory Coast grinds nearly a third of its beans and rivals the Netherlands as the world leader by volume.科特迪瓦磨碎的可可豆产量占该国可可豆总产量的三分之一左右,居世界第一,与荷兰不相上下。
原文是一个简单句,grinds和rivals是谓语动词,as the world leader by volume不是the Netherlands的后置定语,而是主语Ivory Coast的补语。在翻译时,该补语应该按照汉语习惯独立成句。
8.One of several processors there ships cocoa butter, liquor and cake abroad,while selling chocolate at home.这里的一家可可加工企业将可可脂、可可液和可可粉运往国外.而在国内销售巧克力。
这个句子中的cocoa butter, liquor and cake涉及可可加工过程中的基本知识,所以按照惯例,这三个词分别译为:可可脂、可可液和可可粉。
9.Most of the processing in the region is done by the same multinationals that were already grinding cocoa in Europe or elsewhere.这个地区的大部分可可加工都是由同样的跨国公司完成的,而这些跨国公司已在欧洲或其他地区研磨可可。
10.In Ghana,firms in free zones get tax breaks.加纳保税区的公司可享受减税优惠。
tax breaks的意思是减税或免税。
11.Nearly half of capacity is unused.有将近一半的机器产能闲置。
capacity在这里的意思是power to produce sth.(Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary.4th ed.1997.p.200),译为:产能。被动语态is unused根据语境译为:闲置。被动语态一般可处理为主动语态,也可根据语境加入被动语态标记词“被”“得到”“受到”“遭到”等。
12.Gone are the days when George Cadbury built model villages for his British workers.乔治-卡德伯里为英国工人建造示范村的日子早已成了往事。
原文是复合句,含有关系副词when引导的定语从句,修饰先行词days。整个句子为了避免头重脚轻,采用了倒装结构。翻译时可根据汉语习惯,把定语置于中心词the days之前,同时把主语the days也置于表语gone之前。
13.The capital investment required to create one job grinding cocoa in Ivory Coast could create over 300 jobs processing cashew nuts,said the World Bank in 2012.2012年,世界银行表示,在科特迪瓦创造一份研磨可可的工作所需的资本投资会创造出300多个腰果加工岗位。
原文是简单句,但是其中有好几个非谓语动词作后置定语,比如:过去分词短语required to create one job修饰名词investment,现在分词短语grinding cocoa修饰名词job,现在分词短语processing cashew nuts修饰名词jobs。翻译时都可根据汉语习惯前置于中心词之前。
14.The biggest problem is geography.最大的问题是地理因素。
15.Transporting chocolate through tropical climates is a logistical headache.运输巧克力要通过热带地区,这在物流上是件棘手事。
原文主系表结构的主语Transporting chocolate through tropical climates相对比较长,所以翻译时处理为单独的一句话“运输巧克力要通过热带地区”。headache的意思是“令人头疼的事”或“麻烦的事”,这里译为“棘手事”。
16.Instant Chocolate,an Ivorian firm,sells posh chocs in flavours including baobab and hibiscus.科特迪瓦一家名为“速溶巧克力”的公司销售各种口味的高档巧克力,有猴面包树口味的,也有芙蓉花口味的。
英语是形合的语言,利用形态手段连接句子成分,现在分词短语including baobab and hibiscus作为后置定语,修饰先行词flavours,翻译时应按照汉语意合的结构,将这个定语与先行词分开,化整为零。
17.A Ghanaian brand named 57 Chocolate—for the year of the country’s independence—stamps its bars with the Adinkra symbols more commonly found on Ashanti fabrics.加纳的一个巧克力品牌用国家独立的年份命名为“57巧克力”,并在巧克力表面印上了加纳阿丁克拉族的符号,这些符号常见于非洲阿善提的织物上。
过去分词短语named 57 Chocolate是brand的后置定语,插入语for the year of the country’s independence是named 57 Chocolate的原因状语,过去分词短语more commonly found on Ashanti fabrics作定语,修饰先行词symbols。为了译文更加顺畅,翻译时将插入语作为方式状语融入前面的先行词中,第二个定语more commonly found on Ashanti fabrics拆分了出来,单独处理为一句话。
18.For wannabe chocolate-makers,alas,there is no golden ticket.唉,对于梦想成为巧克力制造商的人来说,是没有金奖券的!
wannabe的英文释义是someone who wants to be like someone famous or have money and power(Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.3rd ed.2002.p.1608),这里作定语修饰chocolate-makers。For wannabe chocolate-makers根据上下文可理解为For those who dream of becoming chocolate-makers。golden ticket来自于电影《查理和巧克力工厂》,电影中,巧克力发明人兼制造商威利-旺卡先生宣布,谁能得到藏在巧克力包装纸里的金奖券,谁就能参观充满“奥秘和魔力”的巧克力工厂,还能得到够吃一辈子的巧克力糖和其他糖果。最后查理这个善良的小男孩和其他四个幸运的孩子抽中了金奖券,进行了一场神秘莫测的冒险。
