
admin2022-06-09  21

问题     ①近年来,葡萄牙成功应对欧洲主权债务危机挑战,在发展国民经济、弘扬民族文化、促进社会进步等方面取得重要成就,古老大地不断焕发勃勃生机。②中国和葡萄牙虽然分处亚欧大陆东西两端,但两国人民友谊源远流长,历久弥坚。③几百年前,中国青花瓷漂洋过海来到葡萄牙,同当地瓷器制作技术相融合。形成了独具魅力的“葡萄牙蓝”。④葡萄牙东北部的弗雷索城很早就使用源于中国的桑蚕织造技术,享有“丝绸之乡”的美誉。


答案 ①Over recent years, Portugal has effectively coped with the challenges brought by the European sovereign debt crisis, and made significant headway in economic and social development and in promoting its traditional culture, injecting new vitality into this ancient land. ②Though our two countries are located at the east and west ends of the Eurasian continent, our peoples have forged an enduring and strong friendship dating back to antiquity. ③China’s blue and white porcelain, which was first shipped to Portugal centuries ago, inspired a fusion of Chinese and local techniques, producing a unique form of art Azulejo. ④The northeastern Portuguese city of Freixo de Espada a Cinta, known as the hometown of silk in Portugal, has been using sericulture and weaving techniques from China for centuries. ⑤Many more such episodes of friendly exchanges between our peoples can be found in the present day. ⑥An elderly couple from China, despite their age and illness, have spent decades teaching mandarin and spreading Chinese culture in Portugal. ⑦Stories like these bear witness to the friendship between our peoples that transcends time and space. ⑧China and Portugal both stand at a critical juncture of development. ⑨China is comprehensively deepening reform and expanding opening-up, ⑩while Portugal is committed to faster development and national renewal. China will join hands with Portugal to create an even brighter future for China-Portugal relations.

解析     1.②句“友谊源远流长,历久弥坚”强调友谊的“长久”(即“源远流长…‘历久”之意)和坚固(即“弥坚”),故译为an enduring and strong friendship dating back to antiquity。
    3.④句中“很早”没有确切的时间范围,结合桑蚕织造技术的发明时间,用for centuries指代即可。
    4.⑨句讲述中国发展的关键阶段,⑩句讲述葡萄牙发展的关键阶段,可用while连接成一句话,亦可单独成句,用In the meantime衔接上下文,译为China is comprehensively deepening reform and expanding opening-up. In the meantime,Portugal is committed to faster development and national renewal.
