
admin2017-05-11  44

问题 科技进步是社会发展的重要标尺。1851年,英国举办第一届世博会,就是因为它是世界上最先开展工业革命的国家,并产生了很多科技产品。工业革命后带来的生产力发展令人震撼,在不到100年的时间中,人类社会所创造的生产力比过去一切时代创造的全部生产力还要多、还要大。如果和工业革命后的那一百年相比,人类在最近一百年创造的生产力不知又要大多少倍。上海世博会(Expo 2010 Shanghai)展示了人类最新科技成就,如新一代移动通信、人工智能、新材料、生态节能建筑等,彰显了人类无尽的智慧和创造力。


答案 Science and technology advances are an important hallmark of social progress. The United Kingdom hosted the first World Expo in 1851, just because it was the first country to launch the Industrial Revolution, thus manufacturing a large number of technological products. The industrial revolution spurred an imposing growth in productivity. The productivity generated in less than 100 years after the Industrial Revolution exceeded the total sum of productivity of all previous times. And the last 100 years have seen even greater increases of productivity than the 100 years following the Industrial Revolution. Expo 2010 Shanghai has shown mankind’s latest achievements in science and technology such as the new generation of mobile communications, artificial intelligence, new materials and eco-friendly construction, which speak volumes about the immense human wisdom and creativity.

