
admin2017-03-15  38

Passage One:
    It happens that the real success stories, those countries that we now call the developed economies, were the high-income economies or, the industrialized economies. Those countries represent only about one-sixth of humanity. And five-sixths of humanity is what we call the developing world. It’s the vast majority of the world. The gap can be two hundred to one in some cases if you simply measure the gross national product per person in the United States versus, say, a country in Africa, maybe a gap of $30,000 per person and $150 per person. That’s absolutely astounding, to be on the same planet and to have that extreme variation in material well-being.
Passage Two:
    Arms control, as part of an overall strategy of advancing American interests, remains a very high priority. Arms control can be an important part of American foreign policy, but I think the real question is what advances our national interests. And in those cases where, for example, arms control treaties are ineffective or counterproductive or obsolete, they shouldn’t be allowed to stand in the way of the development of our foreign policy. And I think that’s part of what we’re trying to articulate as we go through reviewing some existing treaty obligations and considering whether or not to get into potential new obligations as well.



