A、Waiter and customer. B、Husband and wife. C、Boss and secretary. D、Doctor and patient. B女士说:你睡着了吗?还是在装睡?男士说:我真的睡着了。女士说:如果你能听到我说话

admin2013-09-04  33

W: Larry, are you feeling OK? You’re so quiet at the party tonight.
M: To be honest, whenever I go back to campus now, I feel really old—and all the students look so young! I feel out of place when I’m surrounded by students.
Q: What does the man mean?
W: Are you asleep? Or are you just pretending to sleep?
M: I’m really asleep.
W: If you can hear me, you must be faking it. Good. You can give me a hand with the chores.
Q: What is the probable relationship between the man and the woman?

选项 A、Waiter and customer.
B、Husband and wife.
C、Boss and secretary.
D、Doctor and patient.


解析 女士说:你睡着了吗?还是在装睡?男士说:我真的睡着了。女士说:如果你能听到我说话,一定是装睡。好,你可以帮我做家务。
