Temporal perception is just one aspect of how we are shaped by our cultures. Another very strong element of our cultures

admin2022-10-27  47

问题     Temporal perception is just one aspect of how we
    are shaped by our cultures.
    Another very strong element of our cultures is context.
    This refers our environment, particularly how
    much of it is significant during communication.                       【M1】________
    In term of context, there are two types of cultures,                  【M2】________
    high context cultures and low context cultures.
    High context cultures assign a lot of importance
    to the environment surrounding message.                               【M3】________
    Some cultures usually put into this category including
    the Han Chinese and Gulf Arab.                                        【M4】________
    High context speakers may not state a message very direct.            【M5】________
    The meaning of the message is
    implied, not expressed. In order to understand that is being said,    【M6】________
    the listener must understand
    the situation and his or her relationship with the speaker.
    In different situations, a giving
    statement could have very different meanings.                         【M7】________
    In contrast, low context cultures (such as those in Germany and
    the United States) place the highest importance to the message itself,
    which is often quite explicit.                                        【M8】________
    External factors
    like interpersonal relationships or family histories does not usually 【M9】________
    alter the message very much. In such cultures,
    it is common to send in a message to a large number                   【M10】________
    of people and expect them all to understand the message in the same way.



解析 该句的意思是“在这样的文化中,向许多人发送信息并期望他们都以同样的方式理解信息是很常见的”。send sth to sb表示“把某物送给某人”,in在此处多余。因此去掉in。
