Nowadays, with advancements in technology, especially the Internet, it really doesn’t take much to start your own company. The p

admin2021-05-24  37

问题         Nowadays, with advancements in technology, especially the Internet, it really doesn’t take much to start your own company. The percentage of college students choosing to start their own businesses right after graduation has risen globally for three consecutive years, a survey shows. The following two excerpts are about this trend.
        Write an article of NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should:
        1. summarize the main opinions of both excerpts, and then
        2. express your opinion towards the trend, especially whether it is wise for graduates to start a business right out of college.
Excerpt 1
        With a gloomy job market for recent graduates, it’s becoming more common for students to start their own businesses when they leave school. For example, Ohio is not known for its entrepreneurship, ranking 33 in the U.S., but more students are attempting to be their own bosses.
        "We’re seeing is a lot of kids are coming out and starting businesses. They’re young and creative and have great ideas," said Aaron Delidou, managing partner at Provest Properties in Dayton, which helps entrepreneurs interested in starting a business.
        Many of these recent graduates are taking advantage of unexplored niches in the tech market. Murphy created a book business called Murfbooks, but it’s not a traditional indie bookstore. Murphy buys books by the truckload, sorts them at his warehouse, and sells them online to Amazon and wholesalers. If the book is too beat up to be sold, he sells them to recycling companies.
        But it’s not just tech companies being created for the young entrepreneurs. Emily Meyer, who graduated from the University of Dayton in May, started College Base Camp in December with her partner Justin D’Arcy, hoping to give high school kids a better idea of what they want to do with their lives before they go into college.
        Delidou said it’s better for young people to start early, rather than waiting. "If you’re 40 years old with a family, you have responsibilities," Delidou said. "When you’re young and single you have more resources at your disposal and fewer responsibilities."
Excerpt 2
        Recent graduates also have some fears related to the risks involved in business startup. Only 21 percent believe that starting their own businesses offers more security than getting a job.
        "The Mark Zuckerbergs of the world make startups look easy, but the cold hard facts are that 9 out of 10 new businesses fail in the first five years," notes Carol Roth, a Chicago-based business strategist who has helped her startup clients raise over $1 billion in capital.
        Before you make up your mind about which way to go, Roth says, take a hard, honest look at your motivation for starting a company. Too many entrepreneurial wannabes of all ages (not just new grads) are "looking to get rich, escape the corporate grind, and work shorter hours with more free time," she observes.
        With that in mind, are you sure you want to leap in head first? If not, Carol Roth has a suggestion: Get a job in the industry where you eventually want to establish your business as a way to learn "how to manage vendor relationships, market your product, deal with customers, and keep detailed books."
        Clearly, having a great idea for starting a business isn’t enough. There’s a skills gap and a confidence gap that could keep the next generation of entrepreneurs from bringing their dreams of business ownership to life.


答案 Is Entrepreneurship a Good Option for Fresh Graduates? Starting a business straight out of college comes with pros and cons. Proponents say that it is better to start early because when you are young, you are less likely to have responsibilities and heavy financial outgoings to be concerned about, and more likely to have the amount of energy and ambition needed for success. However, opponents counter that starting a business involves risks considering the statistic that nine out of ten businesses fail in the first five years. Personally, I am an outspoken supporter of entrepreneurship. It is true that being a business owner is sometimes stressful and intense, but it is also a chance to build an enterprise from your own ideas and aspirations. Starting a business is both a feasible and a worthy alternative to the traditional corporate career path. In recent years, not only have the opportunities of employment shrunk globally, but the average graduate salaries have not fared too well either. Facing such a tough job market, why not consider starting up your own business? If you are worrying about how to secure financing, there are actually a number of means of support available to help get entrepreneurial ideas off the ground, be it government loans or angel investors who provide capitals for business start-ups. Moreover, staring a business of your own is an amazing experience that will bolster your resume. You cannot understand the blood, sweat and tears that go into building a company until you actually built one, and you cannot understand the value of a customer until you see how difficult it can be to acquire one. That is indeed a great opportunity to learn. So many people out of college succumb to a life of banality because they are told that is what they have to do. But is that what they really want? Instead of working for someone who does not have your best interest at heart, why not work for yourself? Remember, life is short and don’t wait until later in life to start a business.

解析         材料围绕“大学生毕业后马上创业”这一话题给出正反两种观点。
        选段一支持毕业生创业,主要有以下三点理由。第一,目前的就业形势严峻(gloomy job market);第二,年轻人有活力有创造力(young and creative),他们有更多的资源(more resources)且背负的责任更少(fewer responsibilities);第三,大多数毕业生能抢占技术市场的新兴领城(unexplored niches),同时,也有一些毕业生在其他领域作出成就。
        选段二则提出反对意见,由于现实很残酷(cold hard facts),存在很大的风险,九成的创业者不到五年就夭折了(9 out of 10 new businesses fall in the first five years),Carol建议毕业生在创业前先到企业工作,积攒经验,毕竟毕业生在技术(skills)和信心(confidence)方面仍存在不足。
