Environmental movement is stronger than ever but seems to be fighting a losing battle. Despite a record flow of financial resour

admin2015-04-10  42

问题     Environmental movement is stronger than ever but seems to be fighting a losing battle. Despite a record flow of financial resources, the planet’s most serious challenges—global warming, loss of biodiversity, marine depletion—remain as intractable as ever, making environmentalists vulnerable to charges that green groups have prospered while the earth has not. Of course, the issues are complicated and could require decades and trillions of dollars to resolve. Part of the problem is that it’s easier to protest, to hurl venom at practices you don’t like, than to find new ways to do business and create change. So it’s time to look at the past tactics of many green groups and identify lessons to be learned.
    Environmentalists who have been bashing "evil" corporations for years have found themselves with plenty of allies. But the planet needs profitable, innovative businesses even more than it needs environmentalists. After all it is companies, not advocacy groups, that will create the technologies needed to save the environment. When conservation purity is the only acceptable option, the biggest polluters will have no incentive to clean up their acts. Says Dwight Evans, executive vice president of Southern Co., a major U.S. energy producer, "If tomorrow we announced we were shutting down 25% of our plants to put in new high-tech devices, the headline would be, WHY NOT THE OTHER 75%? We don’t get credit for what we’ve done, or for what we’re going to do. " So how to turn corporations into partners in preservation? For starters, when companies make efforts to turn green, environmentalists shouldn’t jump down their throats the minute they see any backsliding.
    When environmentalists and some industries are involved in a war, a simple truism applies: It is better to negotiate a surrender with industries than to fight to the death for a losing cause. Though environmentalists may be loath to admit it, this is their choice in the battle over genetically modified foods. Despite the best attempts by European activists to seal off the Continent from such foods, the new science of farming is here to stay. What could be better for the environment than a cheap, simple way for farmers to double or triple their output while using fewer pesticides on less land? Of course it’s possible that some genetically modified foods may carry health risks to humans, and it’s unclear whether agricultural companies will be able to control where their altered-gene products end up. But what’s needed now are not crop tramplers and lab burners but powerful lobbyists able to negotiate for more effective safeguards and a greater humanitarian use of the technology.
We can infer from the first paragraph that

选项 A、there hasn’t been progress since environmental movement began.
B、money doesn’t play an important role in solving environmental problems.
C、environmentalists are becoming hopeless despite their efforts.
D、there is little point in just protesting and not finding solutions.


解析 从第一段中我们可以推断出,[A]自从环保运动开始以来还没有取得什么进展。[B]在解决环境问题方面,资金并不重要。[C]尽管环保主义者非常努力,但是他们的希望正变得渺茫。[D]只反对而不寻找解决方法是没有意义的。第一段倒数第二句话指出,问题在某种程度上是因为对于你不喜欢的行动极力反对或者是恶语攻击要比找到新的工作方式和能促使对方改变的方法容易得多。换句话说,只反对而不找解决方法没有什么意义。所以,正确答案为[D]。第二句话说,我们所居住的这个星球所面临的最严峻的挑战依旧同以前一样没有得到任何改善,并不等于说环境保护运动没有取得任何成效,所以[A]不对;第三句指出,这些问题需要花费大量的金钱,在几十年内才能得到解决。也就是说金钱在解决环境问题方面还是起着非常重要的作用,因此[B]也不对;第一句指出,如今环境保护运动比以前任何时候都要强大,所以他们不可能对自己付出的努力失去希望,[C]也.不对。
