Welcome to the Midville City museum. This month we have a special display of colonial era items. Please visit our special galler

admin2011-01-20  68

问题     Welcome to the Midville City museum. This month we have a special display of colonial era items. Please visit our special gallery to see the collections of seventeenth-century clothing, furniture, and weapons. Be sure to come early, however, as this is a very popular exhibit.


答案 Wel|come to the Mid|ville Ci|ty mu|se|um. ? This month ? we have a spe|cial dis|play ? of co|lo|ni|al e|ra i|tems. ? Please vi|sit our spejcial gal|le|ry ? to see the col|lec|tions of sev|en|teenth-cen|tu|ry cloth|ing, (↗) ? fur|ni|ture (↗), ? and weap|ons. (↘) ? Be sure to come ear|ly, ? how|ev|er. (↗) ? as this is a ve|ry pop|u|lar ex|hib|it.

