The remarkable progress of science and technology in the 20th century has brought enormous benefits to humankind. Long and healt

admin2011-03-14  37

问题     The remarkable progress of science and technology in the 20th century has brought enormous benefits to humankind. Long and healthy lives, economic prosperity and a pleasant and convenient living environment have resulted from technological progress based on advances in scientific knowledge. This progress will continue or may even accelerate in the future, because both the number of scientists and their activities are expanding throughout the world; we may expect, therefore, that science and technology will continue to contribute to the development of human society.
    At the same time, rapid scientific advances may raise some difficult problems. First of all, the disparity in scientific knowledge between those in scientific and technical professions and those in other areas will continuously expand. This may create a communications gap between the two groups that could affect obtaining public consent on important issues, such as the use of genetically engineered plants or human embryonic stem cells. Secondly, the 21st century will be characterized by a knowledge- based society and a knowledge of science will be required for many professions. Those who lack scientific knowledge will have fewer opportunities for good jobs. Thirdly, the enormous increase in scientific information will become a burden for children who must study science. Already young people seem to be losing interest in science, and this trend may increase in the future. Over the past several years, enrollment in high-school physics courses in Japan has been decreasing, which suggests that many young people are losing interest in physics or avoiding subjects that require diligent study. Finally, scientific research in the next century will require increasing levels of public investment because sophisticated research is usually expensive; if the public loses interest in science or does not understand the importance of research, it will become difficult for scientists to obtain sufficient financial support.


答案 20世纪科技的显著进步给人类带来了巨大的好处。人们的身体健康,寿命延长,经济繁荣,生活环境舒适、便利,所有这一切都是技术的进步带来的,而这些进步则是以科学知识的发展为基础的。这种进步还将继续,或者进步的速度在将来甚至还会加快,因为科学家的人数在扩大,他们从事的科学活动遍布全世界;因此,我们可以认为,科技将继续为人类的发展作出贡献。 同时,科学的迅速发展也可能引发一些问题。首先,存在于科技行业和其他领域的知识的差别将不断扩大。这可能会在这两个领域间形成交流分歧,而这一分歧可能影响公众对一些重要事务的共识,比如,转基因工程植物或人类胚胎干细胞等技术。其次,21世纪社会的特征是社会以知识为基础,许多行业都将要求掌握科学知识。那些缺乏科学知识的人找到满意工作的机会会更少。再者,科学信息的迅猛增长将成为那些必须学习科学知识的孩子的一种负担。年轻人似乎已经对科学失去兴趣,这种趋势将来还会增强。过去几年,日本中学生选修物理学的人数一直在减少,这表明:许多年轻人正在失去对物理学的兴趣,或是正在逃避那些要求勤奋学习的科目。最后,下个世纪的科学研究将要求公众不断增加投资,因为尖端的研究通常耗资巨大;如果公众失去对科学的兴趣,或不理解研究的重要性,科学家将很难得到足够的财政资助.

