
admin2023-01-12  32

问题     回想起小学四年级以后的日子,便有如进入了一层一层安静的重雾,浓密的闷雾里,甚至没有港口传来的船笛声。那是几束黄灯偶尔挣破大气而带来的一种朦胧,照着鬼影般一团团重叠的小孩,孩子们留着后颈被剃青的西瓜皮发型,一群几近半盲的瞎子,伸着手在幽暗中摸索,摸一二些并不知名的东西。我们总是在五点半的黑暗中强忍着瞌睡起床,冬日清晨的雨地上,一个一个背着大书包、穿着黑色外套和裙子的身影微微地驼着背。随身两个便当、一只水壶放在另一个大袋子里,一把也是黑色的小伞千难万难地挡着风雨,那双球鞋不可能有时间给它晾干,起早便塞进微湿的步子里走了


答案 Occasionally, the faint light of the lamps shone through the dreamy haze and shed on the children passing along. In such dim atmosphere, the children seemed like haunting ghosts, flocking forward in large numbers. Those children, with the hair cut like the watermelon peel, were all almost half-blind because of the haze. Therefore, they had to grope their ways in dark by touching the unnamable things along. Usually, we had to overcome our sleepiness and get up at half past five before dawn. Even when it was rainy in the winter morning, there were groups of children in black coat and skirt carrying big bags with backs slightly humpbacked on the street. With two lunchboxes and a canteen in another big bag, all of them also took a tiny black umbrella, trudging forward in rain. There was no time for our sneakers to get dry, for we had to wear them early the next morning when they were still a bit wet.

