In the late 1860’s, industry in America grew rapidly. More factories meant more jobs. But working conditions were dangerous. Emp

admin2011-03-26  29

问题     In the late 1860’s, industry in America grew rapidly. More factories meant more jobs. But working conditions were dangerous. Employees were forced to work as many as 16 hours a day in hot, dirty rooms. Children often worked alongside adults. Wages were usually very low.
    Workers tried to improve conditions by forming unions.  One of the first important unions was the Knights of Labor, formed in 1869. Blacks and women were welcomed as members. The Knights of Labor wanted an 8-hour workday, higher wages, and better working conditions. The union called for an end to the employment of children under age 14.
    Together with other unions, the Knights of Labor tried to make changes through collective bargaining. Union leaders would meet with employers and talk.  When collective bargaining failed, the unions resorted to strikes. When some strikes that the unions held turned violent, public opinion turned against them. Many members left the Knights of Labor, and by 1890 the union had died out.
    But other unions survived. The AF of L, American Federation of Labor, was formed in 1881. It continued to push for the goals set by the Knights of Labor. However, most federal laws protecting workers and outlawing child labor were not passed until the 1930’s.
You can infer that most of the goals of the Knights of Labor were ______.

选项 A、unwelcome by the AF of L
B、not reached until after the Knights of Labor died out
C、not helpful to women
D、welcome by factory owner


解析 本题为细节信息归纳推理题。题中关键词为infer...the goal of..。infer说明须利用文中所给的条件,根据短文提供的情景进行推理和概括,而不能只凭某句话或主观看法下结论。第3段末句 1890 the union had died out及第4段末句most federal laws...were not passed until the 1930’s说明Knights of Labour早在1890年便瓦解了,而含有保护工人权益内容的联邦法律直到26世纪30年代才被通过。故正确答案为B项。至于A项,其信息与文章内容不符;C项文中没有提及;D项内容不仅文章中没有,也不符合逻辑推理,所以都是错的。
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