周庄是极少数可供人们体验典型的中国水乡(water town)生活的地方之一。这座毗邻苏州的江苏小镇有“东方威尼斯”之美誉,当地古建筑保存良好,河网密布(crisscross)。风景如画,常年游客不断。在这美丽的风景中最引人注目的当属桥。有的是石桥,有的是

admin2022-08-27  75

问题 周庄是极少数可供人们体验典型的中国水乡(water town)生活的地方之一。这座毗邻苏州的江苏小镇有“东方威尼斯”之美誉,当地古建筑保存良好,河网密布(crisscross)。风景如画,常年游客不断。在这美丽的风景中最引人注目的当属桥。有的是石桥,有的是木桥,形状各异,大小不一。建于明朝的双桥被视为该镇的标志,是游客不可错过的风景。它的一个桥拱(arch)呈圆形,而另一个呈长方形,样子很像古代的钥匙。所以,当地人也称它为“钥匙桥”。


答案Zhouzhuang is one of the few places where people can experience the life in a typical Chinese water town. Acclaimed as "Venice of the East", the town near Suzhou in Jiangsu Province attracts a constant flow of visitors throughout the year with its well-preserved old houses and picturesque landscapes of crisscrossing waterways. Among the most eye-catching features in the picture-perfect landscapes are the bridges, in different shapes and sizes—built with stone or wood. Twin Bridge, built during the Ming Dynasty and considered as the symbol of the town, is a must-see for visitors to Zhouzhuang. One of its arches is round and the other is rectangular, which makes the bridge look like an ancient Chinese key. Thus locals also call it Key Bridge.

