Mountain Glen was about an hour and a half into New Jersey. It lay on the southern fringe of the Catskills, north of the rolling

admin2011-02-11  26

问题   Mountain Glen was about an hour and a half into New Jersey. It lay on the southern fringe of the Catskills, north of the rolling suburban prettiness of Warrenstown and Greenmeadow and the ugly roads that connected them. As I got near, the hills grew steeper, less tame. Scarlet, rust, and orange splashed their sides. Here and there yellow birch leaves still glowed against white bark, set off by moss green stands of pine that seemed permanently in shadow. Yesterday’s heavy clouds had delivered rain up here, and the hollows on the shoulder of the road held puddles that reflected the colors in the hills. Whole stretches of road went by without buildings, without people. The village of Mountain Glen itself was almost not there, only a post office to gather together a collection of houses, cabins, shacks, and trailers strung loosely along wandering roads.
  The address of Beth Adams turned out to be a wooden structure somewhere between a cabin and a shack, set in a spongy field half a mile past anything that could be called town. I turned in, parked behind a rust-pocked Olds Cutlass that was probably as surprised as anyone every time it found itself running. Mud clutched at my shoes as I walked to the porch, and the steps creaked as I climbed them, to remind me they could collapse whenever they wanted to. There was a doorbell and I pressed it, but I heard no sound and nothing happened. I pressed it one more time, then knocked hard on the door. Immediately from inside I heard a dog scrabbling and barking, but nothing else. I lifted my hand to knock again harder. Before I could, the door opened and a woman’s bleary face appeared. She blinked against the daylight and flinched from my upraised arm.


答案它坐落在卡兹凯尔山的南部边缘,在华伦斯镇和格林玛都镇风景如画、地形起伏的郊区北部,一条条难看的公路连接着这两个镇。等我驶到了近前,山势变得更加陡峭,山形也不那么平缓了。山上处处是鲜红色、红褐色和橙色。在一片片苔绿色的、好像一直都长在阴影中的松树衬托下,遍布四处的黄色桦树叶在白色树干上显得色彩极其艳丽。昨天,厚重的乌云给这儿带来了降雨,路边上的凹地还有小水洼,反射着山间的斑斓颜色。整条路上都设有建筑,也没有人。这儿几乎不能算是格伦山的村庄,只有一个邮局,周围还有一些房子、小屋、破烂的小木屋和拖车式活动房屋散落在蜿蜒的公路两旁。 从一个勉强可以称得上是小镇的地方开车再行使半英里,在一片松软的土地上,一个小屋和破烂的木屋之间有一个木结构的建筑,这就是贝斯?亚当斯住的地方。

