Write an essay of no less than 200 words on the topic given below. Use the space provided on your Answer Sheet II. TOPIC D

admin2019-06-10  53

问题 Write an essay of no less than 200 words on the topic given below. Use the space provided on your Answer Sheet II.
   Do you agree with the Chinese saying " wealth does NOT last for more than three generations" ? Why or why not?


答案 I agree that wealth does not last for three generations. The reasons could be stated as follows. First, the first generation usually work extremely hard to build the family fortune. Their entrepreneurial spirit and perseverance ensure that the family business runs well. The second generation build upon it, achieve the goals of the first generation, and maintain it. They have usually witnessed the first generation’s hard working and would cherish what they have, except for a few "Second-generation Rich" in China after the 1980s who squander the wealth. While the second generation may see the value of hard work, the third generation, because it did not have the same experience of having to work hard, struggle, and earn everything, tend to squander the wealth and lose it. All this tends to make the family wealth that last for three generations very rare. Moreover, wealth is not an easy thing to maintain. Success won’t be easily copied in a changing time. What proved useful in running business in old times may not be feasible in a new era. Everything is changing fast in modern times. Many businesses are springing up like mushrooms after a spring rain, and then disappear very quickly. Many traditional businesses are facing a bleak future in face of the challenges from the Internet. It is difficult to run a family husiness successfully for three generations in a world of globalization as well. In a word, the rise and fall in wealth, power and influence of any family is very common. The accumulated wealth of a family usually begins to dissipate after three generations.

解析 本题目试图探讨的是“富不过三代”的中国谚语。这样一句流传已久的谚语有它存在的理由。在古代,财富的积累受到社会因素的影响很大。在社会动荡的环境下,一代或者两代积累下来的财富,很容易由于时势的影响而散去。另外一个重要的原因是富家子弟多纨绔,创业容易守成难。而且古代的创业环境比较单一,财富积累的途径也比较有限。但是这句谚语在现代社会里理应被重新审视。现代社会政治环境基本稳定,财富受其影响较小。财富的聚集领域和高科技、互联网乃至房地产等领域密切相关。虽然经济环境瞬息万变,在全球化的背景下,包括互联网的冲击都给传统行业带来了巨大的挑战,这是不利于传递财富的因素。但是现代社会也有更多利于创造财富的机会。即使第一代之后企业有所衰退,第二代、第三代仍有可能在新的行业崛起。现代社会的另一个特点是发达的现代教育也使富人阶层的后代有更好的条件去接受最好的教育,掌握管理财富的技能,这使得他们的优势会累积下来。虽有少数富二代仍然挥霍财产,但也有不少富二代起点高,还比普通人更努力。所以财富传递过三代的机会大大增加了。写作的时候可以从这两个角度选取任意一个来创作成文,只要言之有理,证据充分,有说服力就可以。
