Suppose that one of your foreign friends will visit your living city for the first time, and he hopes you could introduce it to

admin2009-03-13  57

问题     Suppose that one of your foreign friends will visit your living city for the first time, and he hopes you could introduce it to him. Please write an essay with about 120 words covering the following points:
    1) The city was built in the Qing Dynasty, and it had been described by many famous poets in history
    2) It has changed a lot since 1949
    3) It has become one of tourist attraction places in China


答案 My friend, since it is your first time to be here, I’m very glad to tell you something about my hometown, this small but beautiful city. It was built in the Qing Dynasty. Many famous poets in the history had been here for a visit, and left many beautiful poems about it. Great changes have taken place here after the foundation of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. Especially during the latest decade, it has developed at a more rapid speed and has taken on a completely new look. Now it has developed into a place of interest to visitors. Many visitors come to visit the scenery here every year, and they like the style of the city very much. I hope you will enjoy your stay here.

解析     这是一篇描写文,描写文是指用生动形象的语言把人物或景物等具体地描绘出来,使读者能够对所描写的事物有一种具体生动的认识。它的写作要领如下:
    值得考生注意的是要将描写文和记叙文区分开。其最大的区别是:记叙文是“讲”,描写文是“描述”。前者是对人或事物做概括的陈述和交代;后者是对事物的具体描绘、刻画、描述出人物或事件的外部特征、内在特点等。而它们又有相似之处,即都是将一般特征与具体细节相结合,依靠形容词、副词等修饰性成分使文章更加生动形象。本篇文章开门见山地表达了作者的目的是“introduce my hometown to a foreign friend who comes here for the first time”,并指出该城市的特点是小而美。接下来介绍了小城的光辉历史及其近10年来的发展变化。
1.glad to…很高兴做……
2.take place发生
3.develop into…发展到……
