我喜爱湖。湖是大地的眼睛,湖是一种流动的深情,湖是生活中没有被剥夺的一点奇妙。早在幼年时候,一见到北海公园的太液池,我就眼睛一亮。在贫穷和危险的旧社会,太液池是一个意外的惊喜,是一种奇异的温柔,是一种孩提式的敞露与清流。 我常常认为,大地与人之间有

admin2023-01-12  22

问题     我喜爱湖。湖是大地的眼睛,湖是一种流动的深情,湖是生活中没有被剥夺的一点奇妙。早在幼年时候,一见到北海公园的太液池,我就眼睛一亮。在贫穷和危险的旧社会,太液池是一个意外的惊喜,是一种奇异的温柔,是一种孩提式的敞露与清流。


答案 I love lakes. For they are the eyes of the mother earth; they are the flowing deep love;and they are the wonders survived in our life. As early as I was still a kid, I was always lit up at the sight of Lake of Taiye in Beihai Park. In the old society stricken by poverty and full of danger, Lake of Taiye was an unexpected surprise, a kind of fantastic tenderness as well as a kind of childlike openness and purity. I often think that the land bears a marvelously harmonious relationship with us people: mountains stand for the great responsibility and the reserved reputation and integrity; seas for the illimitable thoughts and inexhaustible changes; deserts for the solemn expectation interweaved with hope and despair; and rivers for the spirit of pursuit, wisdom and restricted freedom... I thought of the sound of thunder and rain in my hometown. Over there, whenever the violent rumble of thunder reverberated across the valley, the buds of spring would seem to sprout freely after being disturbed and roused up from their slumber in the frozen soil. Then tenderly stroked by the soft hands of fine rain, they would put forth bright green leaves and red flowers. It makes me nostalgic and melancholy to think about the old times and my mind is as depressed as the vast expanse of North China is thirsty. A tear stands in my dull eye and, like the rain lingering in the murky sky, is slow to roll down.

