Write on the following topic: Developing Economy or Protecting the Environment 1. 一些人认为发展经济最重要。 2. 另一些则认为保护环境更重要。 3.

admin2009-04-27  94

问题     Write on the following topic: Developing Economy or Protecting the Environment
    1. 一些人认为发展经济最重要。
    2. 另一些则认为保护环境更重要。
    3. 你的观点。
    You should write about 160-200 words neatly.


答案 Developing Economy or Protecting the Environment Some people think that the urgent task is to develop economy on a large scale. As one of the fundamental policies of our country, developing economy plays more and more important role in our society. Only through developing economy on a large scale and increasing the productivity, people’s life will become more well-off and our country will develop faster and faster. And our nation will have a more important position in the world. On the other hand, many people insist that environment protection should be a priority. In their opinion, environment is the basic essence of human beings’ life. Without fresh air and clean water, people wouldn’t have lived in the earth. If we only develop economy, but don’t take effective measure to protect environment, our children will live in a world lacking natural resources and even fresh air and clean water. In my opinion, economic development and environmental protection are of the same importance. One hand, it is important to develop economy for the booming of our country, on the other hand, we must protect environment at the same time for the lasting development and make sure that our children will have a good living environment.

解析     这是一篇提纲式各抒己见类议论文。各抒己见类作文的写作特点是通过对不同观点或看法进行分析,最后得出自己的看法或结论。这篇文章也属于这种手法。文章首先列出对于发展经济和保护环境问题的两种不同看法。第一段文章用直人法引入一些人的观点,要大力发展经济以消除贫因。本段的主题句可拟作:some people think that the urgent task is to develop economy on a large scale,然而用"on the other hand"完成段落的过渡,笔锋一转引入另一些人的观点:我们应把环保放在首位。这可以作为第二段的主题句Many people insist that environmental protection should be a top priority.,接着文章用罗列法,列出要重视环保的理由,如生态环境已遭破坏,目前世界污染问题十分严重等。最后,文章用"In my opinion"引出自己的观点和结论;要在保护环境的前提下发展经济,辨证地看待经济发展和环境保护的问题。Both economic development and environment protection are our urgent tasks.
