Some people think that a high salary is the most important feature of a job. Others believe that things such as training, job sa

admin2011-10-30  40

问题     Some people think that a high salary is the most important feature of a job. Others believe that things such as training, job satisfaction, working hours, and the opportunity to travel are more important. What is your opinion? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay.
    In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.
    Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


答案 High Salary or Job Satisfaction What is the most important feature of a job? In this increasingly material world, few people can deny the importance of high salary when they are faced with a choice of occupations. It is true that a high-paying job allows people to gain more money to ensure a more comfortable and worry-free life. However, in my opinion, some other aspects of an occupation are more essential and worth considering in any kind of job application. To begin with, if a person chooses a job with more vacations, the relationship between he and his family members will be much improved because he has more time to stay with family members and join in family activities such as picnicing and camping. Consequently, he has more connection with family members, and this will prevent many problems usually found in families with a lack of communication. This is also true with relationship among friends. By contrast, those who have high-salary jobs often find themselves so busy coping with projects, sales targets, meetings, business travels, so on and so forth, that they cannot spare even one day for a friend-gathering or a family trip. This is something I definitely would not want. Moreover, high salaries are not the only enticement a company can offer to job applicants. Focusing too much on salary will jeopardize a person’s career prospects. For one thing, in many multinational corporations, while new employees are not well-paid in their first year of service, they can receive excellent on-the-job training which proves to be extremely useful in their future careers. For another, job satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment are highly valued because thev are synonymous to the meaning of life and the discovery and development of people’s untapped talent5. Moreover, a job which is too demanding or whose hours are unsociaf or that offers no chance of promotion will certainly lose its appeal in the long run despite its promise of handsome salary. Last but not the least, a high salary leads only to the gratification of one’s personal needs, while being useful to society coincides with the public interest. If a person regards contributing to the common good as the most important feature of a job, that person will make the utmost efforts to provide the best service for society, benefiting both the public and the individual. To sum up, compared with other facets of a profession, the level of income is only a minor concern. It is strongly suggested that people should attach special significance and give high rankings to such things as vacation, training, job gratification, promotion opportunity and contribution to the common good.

解析     本文审题准确,观点鲜明。作者并未抹杀金钱的重要性,因为这显然不符合现实。在文章第一段,作者就指出,金钱可以给人们提供舒适和无忧无虑的生活。随后,作者笔锋一转,金钱固然重要,但对于工作而言其他一些东西比金钱更重要。这种以退为进的手法,使论点看起来更完整,无懈可击。在主体段落中,作者从三个方面加以论证。首先,如果一份工作假期比较多的话,那么我们就有更多的时间陪伴家人和朋友,以此增进彼此之间的感情;其次,工资并不是公司可以提供的惟一诱惑,只看重工资会损害我们的前途;最后,工资收入只能满足我们的个人需求,我们应更看重是否对社会有用。三个要点分别用to begin with,moreover,last but not the least引出,结构清晰明了。在论证手法方面,作者采用了对比论证、因果关系论证和说理论证的方法,论证有力,形式多样。
