
admin2021-05-10  10

问题     在旧书铺里买回来一本旧书,信手翻开,就看见有趣的一条。它说,在法语里,喜乐(bonheur)一个名词是“好”和“钟点”两字拼成,可见好事多磨,只是个把钟头的玩意儿。我们联想到我们本国话的说法,也同样的意味深永,譬如快活或快乐的快字,就把人生一切乐事的飘瞥难留,极清楚地指示出来。所以我们又概叹说:“欢娱嫌夜短!”因为人在高兴的时候,活得太快,一到困苦无聊,愈觉得日脚像跛了似的,走得特别慢。


答案From a secondhand book store I bought an old book which I read at random and soon found something interesting. It says, in French, Bonheur is a noun composed of "bon" and "heur", which is a proof that good things, a long time in coming, last only a few hours. Naturally we will think of similar expressions in Chinese language which also have profound implication. For instance, in Chinese, the word "kuai(rapid)" in the phrase "Kuaile(happiness)" means happiness flies away rapidly. Therefore, "kuaile" clearly indicates that anything buoyant in your life is like a floating buoy which may drift away speedily. When people are happy and having fun, they feel time flies too fast; once they are poor and getting bored, they feel time limps too slowly. In this case, we thus lament "Night is so short when we are enjoying ourselves."

解析 1.本文选自钱锺书的《论快乐》,选段共四句话,作者先解释了法语的喜乐一词,然后很巧妙地将中文的快乐拆分开来,翻译时要注意用合适的词语来表达。
2.第一句由三个短句组成,在中文当中很常见,但英语句子偏好较长句式,翻译时应当根据句子意思将短句整合,可以将后两句译成一个定语从句,“信手翻开”的是“从旧书铺买回来的旧书”,译为定语从句…bookwhich I read at random。
3.第二句巧妙的将法语中喜乐(bonheur)一词拆开来解释,bon是好的意思,heur是hour“时间”的意思,意思是快乐的事情只能持续个把钟头,此处将好事译为good things符合法语中bon的原义。“好事多磨”一词有多种译法,如:The road to happinessis strewn with setbacks、Good things are a long time incoming、The realization of good things is usually preceded by rough goings。此处强调的是好的事情耗费的时间较久,可借用英语中谚语Good things are a long time in coming。“个把钟头的事”译为last only a few hours,bon和heur的意思均有所体现。
5.最后两句话在翻译时可将最后一句表示的原因提前,将人们感慨的结果后置,使语义更为连贯。原句中“快乐的时候,活得太快”可套用英语中俚语Time flies when we are having fun,译为when people arehappy and having fun,they feel time flies too fast。后半句将时间比作跛足的人,可用与前句类似的结构来表达,when people are...,they feel time limps too slowly。
