There have been many news reports about the inappropriate behavior of Chinese tourists overseas, such as spitting, littering, ju

admin2022-07-07  41

问题     There have been many news reports about the inappropriate behavior of Chinese tourists overseas, such as spitting, littering, jumping the queue, talking loudly in public, and carving characters in scenic spots. The Chinese National Tourism Administration recently announced that in order to improve the image of Chinese holidaymakers overseas, it would establish a "blacklist" for individuals engaging in the uncivilized behavior, and the record would be kept for up to two years. Do you think the government should adopt this measure to prevent tourists’ uncivilized behavior? Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and then give your view on the issue.
    Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
    As an old saying goes, "Old habits die hard. " It would be difficult for some people to change their bad behavior. But if such behavior is outlawed and the law is strictly enforced, such as in Singapore, it will be possible to change people’s bad behavior. The regulation of establishing a "blacklist" is a wise try to solve the problem.
    Some Chinese tourists’ uncivilized behavior existing in the travelling overseas has, to some extent, already affected the image of Chinese people. When tourists travel in a foreign country, what they say and do can represent the image of our whole country. With the policy of establishing a "blacklist", people will better shoulder their responsibilities as a Chinese citizen when travelling overseas.
    Establishing a " blacklist" may be a good plan, but it is difficult to be implemented. What kind of behavior will be considered severe? Who will monitor the tourists’ behavior? These all need specific and detailed regulations. To monitor and evaluate tourists’ behavior will cost much investment and energy. So the new policy is unlikely to yield concrete results.
    Setting up the "blacklist" cannot solve the problem thoroughly. With the "blacklist", people will be afraid of behaving improperly in foreign countries, but they still do not know how they can behave properly. Education is what people really need. The government should enhance people’s awareness of proper behavior.


答案 Becoming Civilized Tourists With the rapid development of China’s economy, more and more Chinese people now choose to travel abroad as a way to relax. However, the improper behavior of some tourists has aroused anger among the public, and the Chinese government has proposed the policy of establishing a "blacklist" to punish those uncivilized tourists. Many people hold a positive view toward this policy, for they think that only strict regulations can curb the tourists’ misbehavior and save China’s international image. In contrast, others question the enforcement and effectiveness of this policy and maintain that education is a more preferable solution. As far as I am concerned, the policy of establishing a "blacklist" is full of good intentions, but it is only curing the symptoms rather than the disease. Admittedly, the uncivilized behavior of some Chinese tourists tarnish the reputation of all Chinese. But enacting a set of rules to force them to correct their bad manners during travelling can only lead them to behave properly out of the fear of penalty, not out of their awareness. It can improve the situation temporarily, but cannot solve this problem thoroughly. The most effective way is to improve people’s awareness of protecting the environment and respecting different customs. That is to say, the government should help people become responsible world citizens. Only in this way can we improve our international image. In conclusion, I believe that it is necessary to take some measures to urge tourists to behave properly. However, enhancing education among young people is more important than enacting administrative rules.

解析     本题讨论的是政府针对中国游客在海外不文明行为颁布的“黑名单”规定是否应该施行。在具体行文方面,考生应该首先概述正反方的观点。然后给出自己的观点:设立“黑名单”治标不治本,只能暂时改善游客的不文明行为,不能彻底解决问题。之后提出彻底解决问题的办法。最后总结全文。
    中间部分用“As far as I am concerned…”引出自己的观点:设立“黑名单”是治标不治本的做法。随后进一步说明,如果只是让人们产生畏惧,而不对他们加以教育,那么无法从根本上杜绝游客的不良行为。接着指出改善我们国际形象最有效的方法就是提高人们保护环境及尊重不同风俗的意识,帮助人们成为负责任的世界公民。
    结尾部分用“In conclusion…”总结全文,并重申自己的观点。
