Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlines segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written cl

admin2010-11-27  44

问题     Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlines segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET2.@(10 points)
    (46)The decline of civility and manners may be worrying people more than crime, according to Gentility Recalled, edited by Dighy Anderson, which laments the breakdown of traditional codes that once regulated social conduct. It criticized the fact that "manners" are scorned as repressive and outdated. The result, according to Mr. Anderson, director of the Social Affairs Unit, is a society characterized by rudeness: loutish behavior on the streets, jostling in crowds, impolite shop assistants and bad tempered drivers.
    (47)Mr. Anderson says the cumulative effect of these apparently trivial, but often offensive is to make everyday life uneasy, unpredictable and unpleasant. As they are encountered far more often than crime, they can cause more anxiety than crime.
    The book has contributions from 12 academics in disciplines ranging from medicine to sociology and charts what it calls the "coarsening" of Britain. Old fashioned terms such as "gentleman" and "lady" have lost all meaningful resonance and need to be reevaluated, it says, Rachel Trickett, former principal of St. Hugh’s College, Oxford, says that the notion of a "lady" protects women rather than demeaning them. (48)Feminism and demands for equality have blurred the distinctions between the sexes, creating situations where men are able to dominate women because of their more aggressive and forceful natures, she says. "Women, without some code of deference or respect, become increasingly victims."
    Caroline Moore, the first woman fellow of Peterhouse, Cambridge, points out that "gentleman" is now used only with irony or derision. "The popular view of a gentleman is poised somewhere between the imbecile (低能的) parasite and the villainous one."
    For Anthony O’ Hear, professor of philosophy at the University of Bradford, (49)manners are closely associated with the different forms of behavior appropriate to. age and status. They curb the impetuosity of youth and the bitterness of old age. Egalitarianism, he says, has led to people failing to act their age. "We have vice chancellors with earrings, aristocrats as hippies, the trendy vicar (教区牧师) on his motorbike.
    Dr. Bruce Charlton, a lecturer in public health medicine in Newcastle, takes issue with the excessive informality of relations between professionals such relationships, Tristan Engelhard, professor of medicine Houston, Texas, says manners are bound to morals. (50)"Manners express a particular set of values," he says, "good manners interpret and transform social reality. They provide social orientation.


答案根据Dighy Anderson编辑的《回忆文雅》一书,礼貌和文雅举止的减少可能比犯罪更令人担忧,这本书悲叹,曾经控制人们社会行为的传统规范崩溃了。

