A、Students wearing the white lab coats. B、A police officer or firefighter wearing his uniform. C、Doctors and nurses wearing the

admin2016-10-12  9

W: Hi, Adam, nice tie.
M: Thanks.
W: By the way, can I ask you a personal question?
M: Ask away!
W:(1)How come you’re the only one at the office who wears a tie to work every day? I’m not criticizing your fashion choices, and you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.
M: No. I’m happy to answer that question!(2)I assume you’re like most people: you prefer to wear comfortable clothing whenever possible, right?
W: Absolutely! If it’s a special event or a business meeting or something, then sure, I’ll put on a suit or a nice business dress. But I much prefer to dress more casually.
M: I understand that logic. But of course you’ve heard about "power-dressing" , no?
W: Yeah.(3)If you wear nicer looking clothes, people take you more seriously, right?
M: That’s the idea. I think everybody knows that the clothing we wear affects how others perceive us. But I’ve also discovered that what I wear affects how I think.
W: Really? That’s an interesting idea. What exactly do you mean?
M: Well, there’s a lot of research out there that says the position of our bodies affects our thoughts.
W: I’ve heard about that. I read an article that said if you sit up straight your thoughts become sharper than if you were slouching.
M: Exactly! But there are some new studies that show what you are wearing can also affect your thoughts.
W: Give me an example.
M:(4 - 1)Scientists found that students who were wearing white lab coats performed better on tests than students who were wearing their own clothes.
W: Ah! So because the white lab coat has an association with intelligence, the students’ brains actually got more intelligent?
M: Have you ever heard the saying "clothes make the man"? It might be truer than we imagine.
W:(4 -2)When a police officer or firefighter puts on his uniform it must affect his psychology. It probably gives him a sense of responsibility and authority.
M: Absolutely.(4-3)When a judge puts on that heavy black robe it transmits an image of power, but it also serves as a reminder to the judge of the responsibility of his position.
W: I know when I’m wearing a nice suit I feel a lot more confident. If I’m going out for a night on the town and I’m all dressed up, I feel a lot better about myself than if I was wearing jeans and a T-shirt.
M: Yes. I think putting on a shirt and tie actually affects the way my brain works.
W: That’s a very interesting concept!
M:(5)My eyes look down and see what I’m wearing and my brain gets a reminder that I’m a businessman..., and I think the brain responds to expectations.
W: Interesting. Maybe I should start wearing a suit.
1. What do we know about the man’s office?
2. What does the man think is the woman’s dressing habit?
3. What is the CORRECT explanation for "power-dressing"?
4. Which is NOT mentioned as an example for "what I wear affects how I think"?
5. According to the man, what happens when he looks down and sees his clothes?

选项 A、Students wearing the white lab coats.
B、A police officer or firefighter wearing his uniform.
C、Doctors and nurses wearing the white gowns.
D、A judge wearing the heavy black robe.


解析 本题考查细节。由句(4一1)可知,科学家发现穿着白色实验服做实验的学生会比穿普通衣服的学生表现得更好,故排除A。由句(4—2)可知,警察和消防员的制服可以给他们一种责任感和权威感,故排除B。由句(4—3)可知,当法官穿上黑色长袍时传递出一种有权力的形象,并且也提醒法官他们的职责,故排除D。因此答案为C。
