Many dogs love to lick people. Why do dogs lick? The answers might depend on you personally and your individual dog. Generally,

admin2020-11-14  35

问题    Many dogs love to lick people. Why do dogs lick? The answers might depend on you personally and your individual dog. Generally, licking is not considered a serious behavior problem unless it really bothers you.
   It’s fair to say that your dog is probably licking you because he loves you! There’s a good reason for calling licks " kisses. " Dogs show affection by licking people and sometimes even other dogs. Licking is a natural action for dogs.
   Licking behavior that starts as affection often gets reinforced by a person’s reaction: laughing, smiling, petting, etc. Maybe your dog is bored or lonely. There you are and he wants your attention. Even negative attention can encourage licking.
   You Taste Good
   One that dog gets to licking you, he might realize you have an intriguing human taste that is slightly salty. Dogs love anything that has an interesting taste! Plus, licking is a way for your dog to explore his world. You’re part of that world after all.
   When wild dogs return to their pups after a meal, they regurgitate meat from the hunt. The pups, too young to hunt on their own, lick the meat from around their mouths. It is believed by some that this licking behavior has been passed down in the DNA, causing dogs to instinctively do it sometimes.  
The word "affection" in Paragraph 3 can be replaced by the word "______".

选项 A、effect


解析 由题干中的in Paragraph 3和affection定位于文章第三段第一句,affection有“喜爱、钟爱”之意,D选项的admiration含有此意,故选D。C选项affiliation有“附属、联系和关系”的含义,与题意不符。
