
admin2011-01-26  45

问题     目前,估计每年大约有50000物种绝迹。牛津大学的地理学家尼克-密德尔顿博士说道,如果这种情况继续下去,它对所有生物的影响将可能是深远的。“所有物种都以某种方式互相依赖以生存。因此危险就在于,如果你从这个互相联系的非常复杂的网络上除掉一个物种,你很难预料这对对生态系统造成的连锁影响。所以,如果你失去了一个重要物种,那也许会引起大量其他物种的绝迹。”


答案 Now, 50,000 species or so are estimated to become extinct every year. Dr. Nick, geographer from Oxford University, said, "if things continue like this, the consequential effect on all the species will be far-reaching. "All species depend on each other for survival in a certain way. So the danger is that if one species is eliminated from this correlative and highly complicated network, the chain effect on the ecosystem will be unpredictable. Thus, mass other species’ extinction may be caused by a loss of an important one. There is no obvious way to deal with the problem. This is the headache. Unlike these problems such as rising of global temperature and greatly decrease of ozone, both will be improved by reducing exhaust gas’ emission if government interfere in, while variety protection is still a hard nut to crack. The newest idea is sustainable management, that is, making profits by using of animals and plants is acceptable only under this condition that human beings must ensure there is enough individuals alive to guarantee the continue of this species. The sustainable management is regarded as a practical and economical way to protect species from extinction. People join in tile action of protecting animals and plants from an economic motivation through this way instead of the ineffectual anti illegal hunting law to a large degree. For instance, the sustainable management is used to protect elephants in Zimbabwe. Foreign tourists have to pay a high fee in order to kill these animals for entertainment. And then the money will be given back to the inhabitants who live in the hunting places. Theoretically speaking, since getting involved in the local people’ s economic interests, they will be stimulated to protect elephants rather than hunt illegally or allow others to poach for them.

