The Millennium Development Goals call for a dramatic reduction in poverty and marked improvements in the health of the poor. Mee

admin2014-12-05  120

问题 The Millennium Development Goals call for a dramatic reduction in poverty and marked improvements in the health of the poor. Meeting these goals is feasible but far from assured. Success in achieving the MDGs will require a seriousness of purpose, a political resolve in countries, and an adequate flow of resources from high-income to low income countries on a sustained and well-targeted basis.
The importance of the MDGs in health is, in one sense, self-evident. Improving the health and longevity of the poor is an end in itself, a fundamental goal of economic development. But it is also a means to achieving the other development goals relating to poverty reduction. The linkages of health to poverty reduction and to long-term economic growth are powerful, much stronger than is generally understood. The burden of disease in some low-income regions, especially sub-Saharan Africa, stands as a stark barrier to economic growth and therefore must be addressed frontally and centrally in comprehensive development strategy. The AIDS pandemic represents a unique challenge of unprecedented urgency and intensity. This single epidemic can undermine Africa’ s development over the next generation, and may cause tens of millions of deaths in India, China, and other developing countries unless addressed by greatly increased efforts.
The feasibility of meeting the MDGs in the low-income countries is widely misjudged. On the one side of the debate are those who believe that the health goals will take care of themselves, as a fairly automatic by-product of economic growth. With the mortality rates of children under 5 in the least-developed countries standing at 159 per 1 ,000 births, compared with 6 per 1 ,000 births in the high-income countries, they take the view that it’ s just a matter of time before the mortality rates in the low-income world will converge with those of the rich countries. This is false for two reasons.


答案 《千年发展目标》要求大幅度地扶贫减困,使穷人的健康得到显著的改善。这些目标是可能实现,却又难以确保实现的。要想成功实现《千年发展目标》,需要各国有认真的态度和政治决策,从高收入国家流向低收入国家的资源要充足、要有持续性、流向目标明确。 《千年发展目标》中健康目标的重要性在某种意义上是不言而喻的。提高穷人的健康和寿命本身就是一个目标,是经济发展的一个基本目标。但是,这同时也是一种手段,凭此可以实现扶贫的其他发展目标。健康和扶贫减困的关系、和长期经济增长的联系都十分紧密,其紧密程度超出人们的一般理解。在一些低收入国家里,尤其是在撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲地区,疾病造成的负担,彻底成为了经济发展的障碍,因而必须把它当作全面发展战略中的重要问题,全力解决。艾滋病的大面积流行是一个特殊的挑战,其紧迫性和严重性前所未有。仅仅这一种传染病,就足以破坏下一代非洲的发展,如果不下大力气解决,还有可能在印度、中国和其他发展中国家造成数千万人的死亡。 《千年发展目标》是否能在低收入国家实现,在这一问题上还存在着许多错误的认识。在这场争论中,有人认为健康指标用不着去管,经济增长了,这些指标就会自然而然地实现。在最不发达的国家里,五岁以下儿童的死亡率是159%,而高收入国家则是6%。因此,有人认为,低收入国家的死亡率要赶上富裕国家的水平,只是个时间问题。这种看法是错误的,原因有两条。

