Levi Strauss, a young immigrant (移民) from Germany, arrived in San Francisco in 1850. California was in the middle of the Gold Ru

admin2012-05-08  37

问题    Levi Strauss, a young immigrant (移民) from Germany, arrived in San Francisco in 1850. California was in the middle of the Gold Rush, Thousands of men were coming to California to dig for gold. And Levi Strauss came to sell canvas (帆布) to these gold miners. Canvas is a heavy fabric. So Levi Strauss thought the miners could use the canvas for tents.
   One day Strauss heard a miner complain that he couldn’t find clothes strong enough for the work he was doing, Strauss got an idea. He quickly took some of his canvas and made it into pants (裤子). These pants were what the miners needed. In one day Strauss sold all the pants he had made. Strauss wanted to improve his pants. He wanted to make them even better. He bought a fabric that was softer than canvas but just as strong. This fabric came from Nimes, a city in France, and was called "serge de Nimes". The miners liked this fabric. They called it "denim" (from "de Nimes") and bought even more pants from Strauss. However, denim had no color. Because of this the denim pants did not look very interesting, and they got dirty easily. To solve these problems, Strauss dyed (染) the denim blue. Strauss continued to improve his jeans. Today, the company he started is known around the world, And Jeans are considered not just practical but very fashionable as well.
What was Levi Strauss’ idea when he heard a miner’s complaint?

选项 A、He thought canvas was strong enough for tents.
B、He could improve canvas and make pants out of it.
C、He thought canvas could be used for clothes.
D、Miners could use canvas to make clothes.


解析 据文章可知,Levi本来是卖帆布给矿工做帐篷用的,当他听到一个矿工抱怨身上的衣服不够结实时,他灵机一动,用很结实的帆布做成裤子卖给矿工。由此可见,选项C是最合适的答案。而选项B说“他改进了帆布,将之做成裤子。”这是不准确的。因为刚开始时,他是直接用帆布做裤子,后来采用了一种比较软的布改进了他的产品,所以B是错误的。
