Why is the woman doubtful about the holiday?

admin2009-06-24  34

问题 Why is the woman doubtful about the holiday?
M: Would you like a cup of coffee or are you still busy with the money?
W: I’m still going through the accounts. We’ve overspent dreadfully this month.
M: By how much?
W: I don’t know. It looks to me as if it’s getting on for almost 500 pounds.
M: Oh, does that mean we won’t be able to get our holiday—have we got enough for our holiday still?
W: Well, I’m not sure. I honestly don’t think that we could afford to go really.
M: But we haven’t had a holiday for three years!
W: That’s not the point, is it? We haven’t had a holiday for three years because we can’t afford it and I don’t think we can afford it this year. We would maybe manage a week somewhere in this country.
M: I was really looking forward to this holiday...three weeks in Barbados at Christmas—warmth, sea, sunshine.
W: I know. So was I.
M: We really need to...just get away out of this country. We haven’t been away for three years!
W: Well...look it’s not...just not on. I mean, we could think about somewhere...
M: Can’t we ask your mother for the money? Can’t we borrow the money from somewhere for the holiday?
W: Well, you know what I feel about borrowing. We’re still in debt over the car. We’ve always said we wouldn’t borrow money for things that weren’t absolutely essential. A holiday isn’t essential. M: I really feel it is this time.
W: Well, let’s look at cheaper holidays then. Let’s look at somewhere closer to home, right. Let’s look at Europe.
M: Well, there’s no point in going to Europe at Christmas, is there?
W: Well, you said you wanted to get away from here. Well, what are you saying that you only want to go where it’s...it’s hot and sunny?
M: Yes, I want some warmth.
W: Well, I think we ought to borrow the money. Your mother would be very pleased to lend us the money.
M: I don’t want to talk about it anymore. Let’s discuss it some other time.

选项 A、Because his wife thinks family holidays are best.
B、Because his wife doesn’t want to go on holiday.
C、Because his wife doesn’t think holidays are necessary.
D、Because his wife wants to be in England for Christmas.


解析 在接下来的几轮对话中,男士坚持要去旅行,因为他们已经3年没有旅行了,并且反复强调这一点,而女士则一直反对。由他们的语气及对话内容可知答案选项正确。
