
admin2022-09-27  69

问题 中国哲学源于春秋战国时期,这一时期因“百家争鸣”而闻名,特点之一是中国学术和文化得到了极大的发展。中国哲学的主要主题深受生活在周朝后半期的老子、孔子、孟子等重要思想家的影响。人文主义是中国哲学的主要特征(attribute),人类的作用及其在社会中的地位一直是中国思想家的主要焦点。由于中国哲学倾向于关注世俗(worldly)事务,实践、道德和政治问题比形而上学的思辨(metaphysical speculation)更受青睐。中国思想家常用诗意的方式而非有逻辑、成体系的散文来表达思想。


答案Chinese philosophy originated in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, a period known for the " contention of a hundred schools of thought ", which was characterized by significant intellectual and cultural developments in China. Great thinkers like Laozi, Confucius, and Mencius, who all lived during the second half of the Zhou Dynasty, greatly influenced the main topics of Chinese philosophy. Humanism has been the chief attribute of Chinese philosophy. The role of humans and their status in society have always been the main focus of Chinese thinkers. Practical, moral and political concerns have been favored over metaphysical speculation as Chinese philosophy tends to be concerned with worldly affairs. Rather than expressing their thoughts in a logical and systematic prose, Chinese thinkers tend to be poetical.

解析 1. 第一句中,“源于……”可译为originated in…;“因……而闻名”可译为“be famous/known for…”:“特点之一是……”可以译为“was characterized by…”。
2. 第二句较长,其中“生活在周朝后半期的”作定语。修饰“老子……等重要思想家”。可处理为who引导的非限制性定语从句;“深受……的影响”可译为be heavily influenced by…,其中heavily可替换为greatly、deeply、strongly等词,也可像参考译文那样处理为主动语态,用人作主语;翻译“老子、孔子、孟子等重要思想家”时可用like一词表列举,注意“孔子”和“孟子”的英文用Confucius和Mencius来表达。
3. 第三句中,“主要特征”可用chief attribute来表达,这里使用chief表示“主要”之意,避免与前面的“主要主题”使用的main一词重复。
4. 第四句中,“人类的作用及其在社会中的地位”可译为the role of humans and their status in society。
5. 第五句中,“倾向于关注……”可译为tends to be concerned with…;“A比B更受青睐”可译为A is favored over B。
6. 末句中,“用……而非……来做某事”表示肯定前者,否定后者,用“Rather than doing sth. +主干”句型来表达。
