And now the same exultation seized me, and once more romance, like a bodily presence, was before me. But it had come so unexpect

admin2013-02-04  56

问题     And now the same exultation seized me, and once more romance, like a bodily presence, was before me. But it had come so unexpectedly that I was intrigued. I could not tell whether it had crept in among the shadow that the lamp threw on the bamboo matting, or whether it was wafted down the river that I saw through the opening of my cabin. Curious to know what were the elements that made up the ineffable delight of the moment I went out to the stern of the boat. Alongside were moored half a dozen junks, going up river, for their masts were erect; and everything was silent in them. The night was not dark, for though it was cloudy the moon was full, but the river in that veiled light was ghostly. A vague mist blurred the trees on the further bank. It was an enchanting sight, but there was in it nothing unaccustomed and what I sought was not there. I turned away. But when I returned to my bamboo shelter the magic which had given it so extraordinary a character was gone. Alas, I was like a man who should tear a butterfly to pieces in order to discover in what its beauty lay. And yet, my little cabin, my charcoal, my lamp, even my bed, had still about them something of the thrill which for a moment was mine. I could not see them any more quite indifferently, because for a moment I had seen them magically.


答案 现在,我再一次感受到这种狂喜的心情;浪漫的情味,犹如一个真实的物体,再一次出现在我的面前。但它来得那么突兀,使我感到困惑了。我不知道,它究竟是凭借着灯光投在竹席上的影子溜进来的呢,还是随着我小屋窗外的河水漂浮过来的?我一心想知道究竟是什么因素形成厂我此时此刻难以描状的喜悦心情,于是走出船舱,来到船尾。我的船边停着五、六条帆船,桅樯高耸,都是上水船;船里的一切都悄无声息。夜色并不阴暗,虽然有云,却是满月,可河水在这隐翳的月光中显得有些阴森。一层薄雾模糊了远处岸上的树影。夜色委实迷人,可是并没有任何异常之感,我找不到我所寻觅的东西。我回转身来,但回到那间竹席搭成的棚屋时,我却完全找不到那棚屋原先具有的不同凡俗的神奇之感。唉,可叹我恍如一个痴人,想知道蝴蝶的美却把它撕得粉碎。然而,我的小棚屋,我的炭火,我的风灯,甚至我的床,仍然残留着那一度引起我的激情的遗迹。我再也不能漠然视之,因为它们曾使我一度产生神奇之感。

