
admin2016-09-27  86

问题 11月25日,几乎所有媒体都报道了国产歼一15舰载战斗机在中国海军“辽宁”号航母上成功完成起飞和着舰的动作。“成功”、“意义”和“速度”成了媒体报道的三个关键词。中国航母舰载机第一次在实舰上完成起降动作,无疑是值得庆祝的“成功”之举。而此次成功“意义”非凡,标志着中国的航母由一条大船变成了一个真正的海上移动机场;中国的航母在实现初步战斗力的过程中,迈过了一个关键的技术门槛。谈到“速度”,“辽宁”号加人海军服役不过两个月的时间,而此次舰上起降实验仅仅是在“辽宁”号服役后第二次出海时进行的,这样的速度着实令人瞠目结舌。如此高速的背后不仅有大型项目高效的管理能力,更重要的是无数中国航空人和人民解放军官兵顽强拼搏的精神。正是因为有了这种精神,才有了我们看到的“中国速度”。


答案On November 25th, nearly all the media reported the news that the J-15 carrier-based fighter jet which is made in China completed its landing and take-off in China’s naval aircraft carrier, the Liaoning. There are three key words in their reports, "success", "significance" and "speed". It is no doubt that it is a "success" worthy of congratulations that carrier-based aircraft for the first time in China completed the flight takeoff and landing on the carrier. And the success has great "significance" as it signifies that China’s aircraft carrier has become a real mobile airport on the sea from a big vessel. China removed the technical barrier during the course of achieving the preliminary combat power. With regard to "speed", it hasn’t been two months before the Liaoning was commissioned in navy. We say the "speed" strikes us because the flight takeoff and landing test was conducted when it was just the second time for the Liaoning to leave its home port. And the high speed lies in not only the efficient management of mega project but also the spirit of striving to succeed of aircraft workers and the PLA. We can say it is precisely the spirit which leads to China’s speed.

