The Human Brain For centuries, people wondered about how the human brain works. Researchers were particularly concerned abou

admin2017-11-16  27

问题                 The Human Brain
    For centuries, people wondered about how the human brain works. Researchers were particularly concerned about its structure and functions. It was not long ago that scientists made the remarkable discovery that our brains are divided into two halves-left brain and right brain, and that each half has separate features and roles.
    The left brain is said to be the logical brain. It is the left brain that we use to solve mathematical problems and go think logically.
    For example, if you are asked how to make coffee, this is what hap-pens. Your left brain begins to work; it searches its files for information on coffee making. If it finds the files, it begins relating what to do step. If it does not find any record, it says it does not know.
    The right brain is often called the creative brain. It has the function of thinking creatively. This contains all the artistic functions, including art and music appreciation. When you want to draw a picture or compose a piece of music or write poetry, it is the right brain that is in operation. When you come across a new situation in your life, your right brain gives ideas on how to tackle it.
    To some people, the left brain is dominant and to others, the right brain is. Of people who are good in mathematics and language expression-that is, putting into practice what they have learnt, we say that they are more left-brained. They are not very sensitive and believe in doing everything only after reasoning. They are very sharp at arguments. They are the type who will not believe in anything until they see it. Right brained people are more artistic and have a good sense of music appreciation. They are also more sensitive and tend to be emotional. They are more open to new ideas and are willing to accept radical positions.
    Is the left brain better or the right brain? Both sides of the brain are equally important. In an ideal situation, a person should be exactly equal in both sides of the brain. However, as in most things, the ideal never happens. People are dominated by one or the other side of their rains. In order to function effectively in the world, we must learn to use both sides of the brain. In many situations that we meet in the world, there will be requirements for both sides of the brain to work together as partners. For example, when you want to write a story, which brain do you use? The answer is both brains.
    You need the right brain to think of the ideas and you need the left 10 side to arrange everything in a logical sequence. You cannot go through life with only one side functioning. It’s fundamentally important for people to know these interesting facts about the human brains. However, many aspects concerning our brains still remain unknown. With scientists’ persistent efforts, more secrets of the human brain will be revealed.   


答案I. Introduction: scientists’ discovery about human brain. A. People’s concern about the structure and functions of the brain. B. Thesis: Our brains are divided into two halves and each half has separate features and roles. Ⅱ. Features and roles of left and right brains. A. Left brain with the function of thinking logically B. Right brain with the function of thinking creatively III. Dominance of left or right brain. A. Features of left-brained people B. Features of right-brained people C. Coordination of left and right brains

解析     这是一篇通过对人脑的两部分——左脑和右脑——特点及其功能的简要介绍,进一步揭示出左脑和右脑同等重要这一事实的说明文。整篇文章由六段组成,但通读全篇,根据文章大意,可以将本文分为三个部分。
    第一部分为文章的第一段,通过介绍人们对人脑工作的好奇及研究人员对其结构和功能的密切关注,从而提出本文的主题思想句:Not long ago that scientists made the remarkable discovery that our brains are divided into two halves—left brain and right brain,and that each half has seperate features and roles.主题思想句是全文叙述内容的归结,为下文作出了很好的铺垫。
    第二部分为文章的第二、三段,在这两段中分别介绍了左脑和右脑的不同特点及作用,主要从两个方面进行叙述:第一方面左脑被人们称为逻辑性大脑(logical brain),我们常常通过左脑解决数学问题以及进行逻辑思维。文章以沏茶为例,进一步说明左脑是如何进行思维的。
    第二方面右脑通常被称为创造性头脑(creative brain),它可以使人们进行创造性思维,这种思维为人们提供了艺术及音乐方面的欣赏能力。文章以画图、谱写音乐、写诗等为例,强调了右脑的这种创造性思维在生活中的运用。
    (1)step by step逐渐地;一步一步地
    e.g.He learnt the rules of the game step by step.他逐渐学会了游戏的规则。
    (2)be sharp at对……敏锐;对……机敏
    e.g.The little boy is extremely sharp at finding unusual phenomena happening in the atmosphere.这个小男孩对于大气中存在的异常现象感觉很敏锐。
    (3)go through遭受;经历;忍受(=be through)
    e.g.The country has gone/been through too many wars.这个国家经历了太多的战争。
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