What about this danger of war, which is making us all shake in our shoes at present? I am like yourself; I have an intense objec

admin2015-11-27  63

问题 What about this danger of war, which is making us all shake in our shoes at present? I am like yourself; I have an intense objection to having my house demolished by a bomb from an aeroplane and myself killed in a horribly painful way by mustard gas. I have visions of streets heaped with mangled corpses in which children wander crying for their parents, and babies gasp and strangle in the clutches of dead mothers. That is what war means nowadays. This is what is happening in Spain and in China whilst I speak to you; and it may happen to us tomorrow. And the worst of it is that it does not matter two straws to Nature, the mother of us all, how dreadfully we misbehave ourselves in this way, or in what hideous agonies we die. Nature can produce children enough to make good any extremity of slaughter of which we are capable. London may be destroyed; Paris, Rome, Berlin, Vienna, Constantinople may be laid in smoking ruins and the silence of death. No matter. Mother Nature will replace the dead. She is doing so every day.


答案 现在,战争的危险让人不寒而栗,我们该如何看待这种危险?我的看法和你们的毫无二致:我决不愿我的房子被飞机投下的炸弹夷为平地,也不愿万分痛苦地被芥子毒气活活毒死。 我见过街道上尸横遍野、血肉模糊。孩童蹒跚其间,哭喊着自己的父母。我见过死难的母亲怀里还紧紧抱着她们的婴孩,气息奄奄,最后窒息而亡。如今,战争就意味着这一切。我和你们讲话的时候,西班牙和中国正发生着这样的事情。同样的事情明天就可能降临在我们头上。最糟糕的是不论人们肆意妄为到如何令人发指,不管我们如何饱受折磨,死于非命,对于自然母亲来说都如同草芥。无论我们的杀戮手段如何登峰造极,她都能孕育足够的孩子来弥补这一损失。

解析 1.画线第一句包含一个定语从句,由于定语较长,翻译时宜断句;shake in our shoes意为“因害怕而瑟瑟发抖”,故可采用归化的策略,译为“不寒而栗”。
2.画线第二句中的I have an intense objection to体现了英文名词化的倾向,宜转译为实意动词;mustard gas意为“芥子毒气”。
3.画线第六句中的how dreadfully we misbehave ourselves in this way,or in what hideous agonies wedie是一个让步状语从句,翻译时应置于句首;句中的dreadfully,misbehave,hideous agonies,die可分别处理为四字成语“令人发指”“肆意妄为”“饱受折磨”“死于非命”。
4.画线最后一句中的make good意为“弥补”;any extremity of slaughter of which we are capable可意译为“无论我们的杀戮手段如何登峰造极”。
