Where is this conversation taking place?

admin2014-01-11  40

问题 Where is this conversation taking place?
M: Hey, Jin. How are you feeling? You look a bit under the weather today.
W: As you can see, I’m dying. I’m burning up. My throat is sore and my nose keeps running. I am planning to go for the day now.
M: You should go see a doctor. He will be able to prescribe you some medicine.
W: I cannot stand the hospital. I’ II just get some aspirin from the pharmacy and lay down on my bed.

选项 A、At the drug store
B、At work
C、At the hospital
D、In her room


解析     本段对话的整体脉络是女子说身体不舒服,男子非常担心并且劝女子去医院。如果因为对话中出现了doctor,pharmacy等词就选(A)或(C)选项为答案,一定要反省,注意提高听力水平了。解答本题决定性的线索是女子第1段话中的go for the day(下班)。
