
admin2016-03-22  70

问题     思维与言语及其同一性问题一直是个争论不休的问题。胡塞尔(Husserl)认为有脱离任何表达形式的纯粹思维,德里达(Derrida)对此持批判的态度,维特根斯坦则坚持认为没有脱离言语的思维和思想。这些探讨主要集中于思维与言语表达这个层面,无法推进对思维与言语关系的说明,也无法在它们是否具有同一性的问题上获得共识。梅洛一庞蒂(Merleau-Ponty)表达现象学主张言语表达奠基于原初的身体表达——身体姿势,而语言则是言语的历史沉淀。这些观点对研究思维与言语的关系及其同一性问题具有推动作用,它们蕴含着这样的观点:思维是一种特殊形态的表达——言语表达。同时也对研究聋哑人的思维,说明动物有无思维以及思维和思想的性质具有建设性和启发性的意义。


答案 The issue of relationship between thinking and speech and their identity has long been highly polemical. Husserl argues that we can think without any kind of expression. Derrida disagrees with such a view, and Wittgenstein insists that thinking and thought cannot be divorced from speech. These discussions basically unfold on the level of thinking and expression by speech, and therefore are incapable of clarifying the relations between thinking and speech or reaching any consensus about whether these two processes are identical. The theory of phenomenology of expression proposed by Merleau-Ponty posits that speech is based on gestural expression, and that language is the sediment of speech. These ideas contribute tremendously to the study of relations between thinking and speech and their identity, and they implicate that thinking is a special kind of expression— expression by speech. And this view is constructive and enlightening for the study of such issues as deaf-mutes’ ways of thinking, whether or not animals can think, and the nature of thinking and thought.

