1 Communication between children and parents starts very early. A baby’s cry is designed to get adult attention. Babies cry when

admin2019-07-01  67

问题 1 Communication between children and parents starts very early. A baby’s cry is designed to get adult attention. Babies cry when they are upset, and their voices cause stress in adults. Babies recognize their parents’ voices. When parents talk to babies, they tend to give their voice a happy singsong that grabs the baby’s attention and says, "I’m talking to you." The rising and falling of a parent’s voice helps a baby interpret the strange sounds of language. The more talk that babies hear, the better, so it is beneficial for parents to narrate what happens around a baby. It is one of the ways that parents help children accomplish a major goal of the first two years: identifying sounds with experience.
2 At around six months old, they start to babble, and the sounds they produce include the sounds of human languages. Research suggests that it is during the babbling stage that children start to distinguish between the sounds of their native language and the sounds of other languages. Babies are extraordinary language generalists and can easily pick up two or three languages. However, they start to specialize in their native tongue by the age of three years.
3 The earliest age that children start to speak is ten months. However, most do not talk until the age of 12 or 13 months. Others wait as long as 19 months, although almost all children who lag behind eventually catch up. When children have learned that sounds are related to meanings, they produce their first words. Most children go through a "one word equals one sentence" stage. Between 18 and 24 months, they may begin learning as many as nine new words each week. This spurt in vocabulary occurs after children have accumulated between 30 and 100 words. By then, children can produce two-word utterances like "hi mommy" and "all gone." After that, they quickly learn to string words together in longer "sentences."
6. Read the first sentence of a summary of the passage. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage.
A child’s first few years are an important period in language learning.

Answer Choices
(A) Babies can understand almost everything that their parents say.
(B) Parents play an essential role in teaching children language.
(C) Young children are proficient language learners.
(D) Some children start to talk much earlier than others do.
(E) Children learn nine words each week at age 24 months.
(F) Children go through stages as they develop language ability.



解析 B Parents play an essential role in teaching children language: Communication between children and parents starts very early; .. .parent’s voice helps a baby interpret the strange sounds of language; ...it is beneficial for parents to narrate what happens around a baby; ...parents help children...identifying sounds with experience.
C Young children are proficient language learners: Babies are extraordinary language generalists and can easily pick up two or three languages.
F Children go through stages as they develop language ability: At around six months old, they start to babble...; ... earliest age that children start to speak is ten months; ... "one word equals one sentence " stage. Between 18 and 24 months...; After that, they quickly learn....
Answer (A) is not mentioned; answers (D) and (E) are minor ideas.
