
admin2022-11-27  66

问题 中国书法作为汉字书写的艺术,具有非常悠久的历史。它是中国艺术的最高形式之一,既能传达思想,又能展示线条抽象的美感。人们还普遍认为,练习书法能够使人保持身体健康。中国历史上的书法家多有长寿之辈,也证实了这一说法。人们在练习书法时全神贯注,被书法作品的魅力深深吸引,从而对令人不快的事情视而不见,听而不闻,取而代之的是一种平静和轻松,以及一种舒适怡然的心理状态。这对身心大有裨益。


答案As an art of writing Chinese characters, Chinese calligraphy boasts a considerably long history. It is one of the highest forms of Chinese art, serving the purposes of conveying thoughts and showcasing the abstract beauty of lines of Chinese characters. It is also widely acknowledged that Chinese calligraphy plays a part in preserving the health of those who practice it, which is supported by the long lives of many calligraphers in Chinese history. When one is practicing calligraphy, he or she highly concentrates and is spellbound by the charm of the work, turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to unpleasant things. A sense of calm and relaxation and a comfortable psychological state take over, which is highly beneficial to both the body and mind.

解析 1. 翻译第一句时,可以把“具有非常悠久的历史”处理成英文句子的主干部分。在英语中,表达一个地方、物品或机构有什么好的特征或成就时,可以用boast。所以,“中国书法……具有非常悠久的历史”可以译为“…Chinese calligraphy boasts a considerably long history. ”。
2. 第二句中,翻译时可以将第一个分句处理为主句,将“既能传达思想,又能展示线条抽象的美感”翻译成现在分词结构。
3. 末句中的“全神贯注”还可以译为is fully absorbed in sth. 。“对……视而不见,听而不闻”译为“turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to…”比较生动贴切;如果想不到这个表达方式,用“taking no notice of…”或“paying no attention to…”也可以。
4. 翻译末句中的“取而代之”时,多数考生往往采用直译的方法,将之译为take the place of或displace。但是,分析全文的语境可知,take over更能准确地传达出原文所要表达的意思。
